Absence of Faith
Absence of Faith is a repackaged double disc Nine Inch Nails tribute album released September 24, 2002 on Vitamin Records.
Track Listing
Disc 1
Originally released as Radiant Decay.
- "Closer" - Transient
- "Diggy" - Alex Xenophon
- "Wish" - Broke Box
- "Sanctified - Transient
- "Mr. Self Destruct" - T.H.C.
- "Sin" - The Electric
- "Last" - Transparent
- "Suck" - Etherphoria
- "Down In It" - Sacha
- "Something I Can Never Have" - George Sarah
- "Hurt" - The Electric
Disc 2
Originally released as The Broken Machine.
- "Burn" - Anachromatic
- "Heresy" - Substance
- "Happiness In Slavery" - Bile
- "Starfuckers, Inc." - Wormhole
- "Big Man With A Gun" - Transient
- "March Of The Pigs" - Owl
- "Kinda I Want To" - Nocturne
- "Head Like A Hole" - Razorblade Smile
- "Hurt" - The Razor Skyline
- "Reptile" - Anno Daemonicus
- "Terrible Lie" - Transient
- "Into The Void/The Day The World Went Away" - Wormhole