
39 bytes added ,  15:30, 17 April 2007
→‎Buttons: can't really call them "buttons" any more.
This page is a discussion between a man with affiliations with Anglo-Johnson (introduced on [[Mining For Life]]) and a White House staff member. It talks about Anglo-Johnson, discussing the benefits. It also mentions testing [[Cedocore]] drugs on people working there, and the man mentions a vaccine that makes his nose bleed orange, which has also come up in [[U.S. Wiretap]]
== Buttons Wreckages ==
At the Year Zero listening parties, buttons have become available that have codes for either the wreckage or the shard. Here is the complete list of wreckages, including pictures of the buttons. New finds are highlighted in grey. Wreckages requiring pairing with another piece of data are highlighted in red.
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