*''[[Things Falling Apart]]''
*''[[And All That Could Have Been (halo)|And All That Could Have Been]]''
The word "Starfucker" was apparently the original title of the Rolling Stones song "Star Star", released on the 1973 album, <i>Goats Head Soup.</i> "Starfuckers" was also used later by the artist [[Tori Amos]] in her song "Professional Widow", released on her 1996 album, <i>Boys For Pele.</i> Both of these songs preceded "Starfuckers, Inc."<br>
There is some speculation that Tori Amos' (and some say Trent Reznor's) usage of the word was in reference to Courtney Love, who allegedly had some part in destroying the closeness that existed between Amos and Reznor.