[[Image:Alanmoulder.jpg|thumb|330px|right|Alan Moulder]]
'''Alan Moulder''' (born June 11 June, 1959) is one of Britain's premier alternative rock record producers and is considered by many a major architect of the modern British rock sound.
His work with the band led to him engineering various other albums for [[Trent Reznor]]'s [[Nothing Records]], including [[Marilyn Manson]]'s debut ''[[Portrait of an American Family]]'' and [[Prick]]'s eponymous album.
Moulder was also involved in the [[Saul Williams]] album ''[[The Inevitable Rise And Liberation Of NiggyTardust!]],'', which also saw contributions from Trent Reznor.
He was collaborator with Nine Inch Nails for the album ''[[GhostsI–IV]],'' which appeared was relesed in March 2008.
[[Category: Related to NIN]]