
2,924 bytes added ,  17:14, 15 December 2010
Should Twist get its own page? It should really be marked as songs never played live, and the music and lyrics are different enough to not be recognised as the same song - it may be a demo of Ringfinger, but it is pretty unique in itself. [[User:Sheepdean|Sheepdean]] 05:52, 3 July 2008 (PDT)
== End Lyrics? ==
I've listned over and over, but I can never hear that last few lyrics...
"I’m so tired I can’t get to sleep
And the squeaking of the bed is right in time with the song that’s repeating in my head
I just want you to know
'When I do it, I only think of you'"
is it just me? [[User:Aeontriad|Aeontriad]] 14:56, 7 July 2008 (PDT)
:They are on here due to them being the lyrics posted on the album sleeve, but they don't feature on the song's final cut. [[User:Sheepdean|Sheepdean]] 16:11, 7 July 2008 (PDT)
:Keep in mind that all the lyrics posted are as they appear on album/EP liner notes. Sometimes there are changes made to the lyrics that don't make it to the art director on time to make it into the final design of the packaging and liner notes.--[[User:Leo3375|leo3375]] 16:47, 7 July 2008 (PDT)
:...No, Reznor includes the unused lyrics by choice. This is established. I'm *positive* I've heard this bit, though--but it may have only been in Twist. [[User:OnslaughtSix|OnslaughtSix]] 12:32, 21 July 2008 (PDT)
You're not crazy. I have a version of Twist that I've never seen anywhere else and it's plain as day at the very end. It differs from the version on Purest Feeling because it sounds more unpolished, and the intro melody, rather than alternating left and right as it does in Ringfinger, or just fading in and out on the left channel, it is a solid melody on both channels.
To be honest, I don't know where the version came from, but I know it exists.
I've noticed that almost every song in the ninwiki has a part when the live version of the song is described, & even when the song hasn't been played live, (like many songs from Ghosts) the words "never played live" are noted. My point is, should we add a "live" segment in this song?? anyone with enough musical knowledge to describe it?? [[User: Razielmxz|Razielmxz]]
:Done. Anyone can add a description (I'm awful at them), so jump on in [[User:Sheepdean|sheepdean]] [[User_talk:Sheepdean|Try to speak as clearly as you can]] 15:39, 25 June 2010 (PDT)
oks that was fast =D i'll do it, but as you may have noticed before, english is not my mother language, so any grammar correction is more than welcome =D [[User:Razielmxz|razielmxz]] 16:21, 25 June 2010 (PDT) 16:19, 25 June 2010 (PDT)
and if anyone can help with dates (first/last time it was played, stuff like that) is more than welcome too. [[User:Razielmxz|razielmxz]] 16:35, 25 June 2010 (PDT)
== Alphabet St Sample ==
At the end of the song, I hear what sounds like the bass line and sound effects of the car screeching from Prince's "Alphabet St". Can this be investigated and confirmed/denied?
:Prince was included in the original list of influences/sample sources from PHM's liner notes, so methinks you are probably right. see [[Pretty_Hate_Machine#Album_Credits]]. - [[User:Seasonsinthesky|seasonsinthesky]] 09:14, 15 December 2010 (PST)
