
:See also ''[[Starfuckers, Inc. (halo)]]''
| title = Starfuckers, Inc.
| album = ''[[The Fragile (halo)|The Fragile]]'' (Right)
| length = 5:00
| BPM = 146| versions = Starfuckers, Inc.<br>Starfuckers, Inc. (Version—Adrian SherwoodInstrumental) (Apple Music)<br>Starfuckers, Inc. (Instrumental) (''Deviations 1'[[And All That Could Have Been ')<br>Starfuckers, Inc. (halo)|And All That Could Have Been]]''The Day The World Went Away'' cassette)<br>Star***kers, Inc.<br>Starsuckers, Inc.<br>Starsuckers, Inc. (Video Version)<br>Starfuckers, Inc. (Version—Charlie ClouserVersion—Adrian Sherwood)<br>Starfuckers, Inc. (Version—Dave OgilvieVersion—Charlie Clouser)<br>Starfuckers, Inc. (The Day The World Went AwayVersion—Dave Ogilvie)<br>StarsuckersStarfuckers, Inc.(''[[And All That Could Have Been (halo)|And All That Could Have Been]]'')| live = [[Fragility]] through present [[Lights In The Sky Tour]]<br>[[Cold And Black And Infinite Tour]]}}'''"Starfuckers, Inc."''' is the sixth track on the right disc of ''[[The Fragile (halo)|The Fragile]].'' It While the lyrics portray a take on pop music celebrities in general, [[Trent Reznor]] has been speculated stated that this is a parody of the song also refers to [[Marilyn Manson (musician)|Marilyn Manson]] and his lifestyle.
===Trivia===The beginning vocals are spliced together, song started out as a jab at Mansondrum loop that was created by [[Charlie Clouser]] for use in the [[Tapeworm]] project.[] Reznor stated that he almost didn's inability to sing t put it on the album because of having a different feel from the rest of the songs in a single take.[]
===Etymology===The "Buddha Boys Choir", credited for background chants on this track, comprised [[Keith Hillebrandt]], [[Clint Mansell]], Steve Duda, members of New Orleans band Deadhandsystem, and various [[Nothing Studios]] employees. The impromptu group's name in the liner notes comes from Igor's Buddha Belly, a bar across the street from the studios. The word "Starfucker" was apparently the original title of the Rolling Stones song "Star Star," released on the 1973 album, ''Goats Head Soup.'' The term "starfucker" was later used by the artist [[Tori Amos]] in her song "Professional Widow," released on her 1996 album, ''Boys For Pele.'' In this song, the eponymous "professional widow" and "starfucker" is widely considered to be Courtney Love. Both of these songs preceded "Starfuckers, IncStarfucker" is also the tenth track on Hanzel Und Gretyl's 1997 industrial metal album ''Transmissions From Uranus''."
===Song Credits===
*Writing: Trent Reznor and [[Charlie Clouser]], including some lyrics from Carly Simon's "You're So Vain."*Chanting: [[Buddha Boys Choir]]—Nigel Choir—Nigel Wiesehan, Nick Scott, Steve Duda, Keith Hillebrandt, Clint Mansell, Adam Persaud, Eric Edmonson, Doug Idleman, and Marcus London* Contains a licensed [[samples|sample]] of "Shout It Out Loud" by KISS
*''[[The Day The World Went Away (halo)|The Day The World Went Away]]''
*''The Fragile''
*''[[The Fragile: Deviations 1]]''
*''[[Things Falling Apart]]''
*''[[And All That Could Have Been (halo)|And All That Could Have Been]]''
*''[[The Definitive NIN - The Singles]]''
*''[[The Definitive NIN - Heavy Tracks]]''
===Starfuckers, Inc.===
This is the version found on ''The Fragile''. Slowly fading in with a quiet beat and moving synthesizers, the first verse then erupts, with locked drum loops and synthesized bass. Reznor's verse vocals were recorded and cut in such a way that each word sounds like it is from a different vocal take, possibly as a stab at the pop music celebrities the lyrics seem to satirize. In contrast, the chorus is loud and guitar-heavy, with several repeated group shouts. A wah guitar solo similar in sound to the one from "[[The Wretched]]" connects to the second verse. After the second chorus, the song quickly quiets for the lonely guitar-and-vocal bridge before erupting back into the loud chorus. ===Starfuckers, Inc. (Instrumental) (Apple Music)==='''''Running Time: 5:09''''' Released exclusively through Apple Music as part of ''The Fragile Instrumental,'' this is the album arrangement, but also retains the ending KISS sample used on the single version, with an earlier fade out. It lacks the KISS "Woooooo!" and the "[[Complication]]" guitar. ===Starfuckers, Inc. (Instrumental) (''Deviations 1'')==='''''Running Time: 5:33''''' ''The Fragile: Deviations 1'' version. This is about 25 seconds longer than the Apple Music version. The ending lacks the KISS "Woooo!", but still has the crowd noise overdubbing with the girls chanting "[[Nine Inch Nails]]!" However, that overdubbing ends after the girls, and the original KISS track applause continues, including the crowd chanting "We want KISS!" ===Starfuckers, Inc. (''The Day The World Went Away'' cassette)==='''''Running Time: 5:24''''' This version has an extended ending, incorporating fireworks and applause from KISS's "Shout It Out Loud," found on ''Alive II'', and the beginning guitar riff of "Complication" as the track fades out. It is also overdubbed with crowd noise (looped twice) that includes some girls chanting "Nine Inch Nails!" The version on the cassette single lacks the "Complication" guitar, and the overdubbed crowd noise continues on instead of looping, with larger crowd chants of "Nine Inch Nails!" in the audience. ===Star***kers, Inc.==='''''Running Time: 5:09''''' In this heavily edited version, it fades in half as fast. The word "bitch" is censored, as is the word "fuck" - during the chorus, it is silenced. The guitar solo that comes next is cut in half. In the second verse the word "fucking" is censored, as is "asskisser". Also censored is the word "suck", but, interestingly enough, the word "whore" is not. During the loud chorus at the end of the lonely bridge, an added guitar that plays nine times in the studio plays only four in this edit. Also, at the very end, a part that plays thrice plays only twice. However, at the end of this edit, there is the KISS extended ending, but it fades out sooner.
===StarfuckersStarsuckers, Inc. (==='''''Running Time: 4:13'''The Day The World Went Away'')=== This is a heavily censored version has an extended ending, incorporating fireworks released on the Starsuckers, Inc. promo disc. It incorporates all the censorship and applause from KISS' edits of "Star***kers, Inc.", except that the word "starfuckers" is replaced by "starsuckers"Shout throughout. It Out Louddoes not include the KISS ending. ===Starsuckers," found on Inc. (Video Version)==='''''Running Time: 4:18'''KISS Alive!'' This is a heavily censored version, before fading into released on the beginning Starsuckers, Inc. promo disc. It is identical to "Starsuckers, Inc." except that the bridge verse is changed from the Carly Simon lyrics. While this is ostensibly the version used in the music video, the music video actually contains additional censorings: "suck you" (instead of just "suck") and "[[Complication]].taste" The track then fades outin the second verse.
===Starfuckers, Inc. (Version)—Adrian Sherwood===
This remix integrates siren noises and various noises reminiscent of old sci-fi movies, as well as samples from ''KISS Alive!.'' It has very little in the way of lyrics, consisting only of "Starfuckers," "Starfuckers, Inc." and "You're so fucking beautiful."Running Time: 5:11'''''
This remix integrates siren noises and various noises reminiscent of old sci-fi movies, as well as samples from "Shout It Out Loud" by KISS (from ''Alive II''.) It has very little in the way of lyrics, consisting only of "starfuckers," "starfuckers, incorporated" and "you're so fucking beautiful."
====Song Credits====
*Manipulation: [[Adrian Sherwood]] for 140dB
===Starfuckers, Inc. (Version)—Dave "Rave" Ogilvie===
This is a more dance-oriented version remix, with emphasis on percussion and melodic synths.'''''Running Time: 6:06'''''
This is a more dance-oriented remix, with emphasis on percussion and melodic synthesizers.
====Song Credits====
*Manipulation: [[Dave “Rave” Ogilvie|Dave Ogilvie]]
===Starfuckers, Inc. (Version)—Charlie Clouser===
A more industrial remix, this remix is very heavy on percussion and light on lyrical content.'''''Running Time: 5:09'''''
A more industrial remix, this is very heavy on percussion and light on lyrical content.
====Song Credits====
*Manipulation: Charlie Clouser
===Starfuckers, Inc. (''And All That Could Have Been'')===
This live version is similar to the album original, with the exception being an extended breakdown, and bridge that features Reznor declaring, "Well, fuck you!" after repeating "Don't you?" many times. The tempo is also increased from the album's 146 BPM to 159 BPM."<br><br>An Easter Egg on the DVD includes a performance of this song at Madison Square Garden in New York City on [[2000/05/09 New York, NY|May 9th, 2000]] with Manson. It then goes into a performance of Manson's "[[The Beautiful People]]." They had re-established a friendship, which did not last long after that performance.
==Music Video==
[[Image:Starsuckersstill.jpg|thumb|Screenshot from the "Starsuckers, Inc." video]]The [[Nine Inch Nails music videos|music video ]] for "Starfuckers, Inc." was released in 2000 under the name '''"Starsuckers, Inc."''' due to censorship issues. The interlude lyrics were also changed for the video, allegedly to avoid a copyright infringement lawsuit. The video was co-directed by Robert Hales and Marilyn Manson.
'''''SPOILERS BEGIN'''''<br>
A glammed-out Reznor and a strung-out, leggy blonde are riding in the back of a limousine. They stop at a run-down carnival at a trailer park , hosted by a one-armed dwarf, and participate in the games there. These games include throwing CDs in a toilet, smashing plates bearing head shots of popular musicians, throwing CDs in a toilet, breaking busts of various musicians (including Reznor himself), and a dunk tank the that involves a large man dressed like [[Courtney Love]] falling into a tank filled with toxic waste.
At this point in the video, it becomes a commentary on the state of music at the time. Bands like Limp Bizkit were extremely popular while Smashing Pumpkins and REM R.E.M. seemed to be past their prime in the eyes of the record labels and many consumers.After the dunk tank, Reznor and the blonde return to the car. It is then that the blonde is revealed to be Manson dressed in drag. Many people speculated that the feud between Reznor and Manson had ended.<br>'''''SPOILERS END'''''
After The video contains several references to the films of [[David Lynch]]. The opening scene with the road and the dunk tank, red-tinted scenes refer to ''Lost Highway.'' The limousine and Reznor 's clothes and oxygen mask refer to the blonde return character Frank Booth in ''Blue Velvet,'' who has an addiction to the car. It gases and is then that the blonde is revealed to be Manson dressed in dragperfect figure of depravity. Many people speculated that During the feud between Reznor and throwing of CDs into a toilet, discs are seen of Marilyn Manson had ended.<br>'s ''Mechanical Animals'' and ''Smells Like Children''SPOILERS ENDas well as Nine Inch Nails'''[[The Downward Spiral (halo)|The Downward Spiral]]''.
The video contains several references to ==Reznor on the films of songwriting==In a 2005 interview with ''Kerrang''[[David Lynch]], Reznor gave the following insight:<blockquote>You start out thinking you can change the world, but when cool people at clubs who wouldn't even talk to me were like, "Whoah, he's got a platinum album, who's that guy?" It was strange. The opening scene with I realised that the road and guys who beat me up in high-school were now in my audience. Money, fame, power - things I'd never had - those things are recipes for massive personality distortion. In my life I was standing on the red-tinted scenes refer edge of a cliff about to jump off because my brain wasn''Lost Highwayt working.After '' The limousine and ReznorDownward Spiral''s clothes and oxygen mask refer I felt like I had to make the character Frank Booth best record in the world but my addictions meant my head was packed with cotton. "Starfuckers, Inc." doesn't fit in with the rest of that record, but it came from bits of lyrics I'Blue Velvet,d written over a long period and was focused at Marilyn Manson and Courtney Love. I'm not saying I haven' who has an addiction t fallen prey to gases and is the perfect figure of depravitythis at times, but I think in their environment your priorities can totally flip before you realise.</blockquote>
"Starfuckers, Inc." has been made its live debut on [[1999/11/14 Barcelona, Spain|November 14, 1999]] and was played live since at the vast majority of shows on the [[Fragility]] tour in 1999, usually at a significantly faster tempo.  During the [[Live: With Teeth]] tour, the song was performed at about one-third of the shows, mostly early ones. Reznor has stopped the song and skipped the breakdown, bantering to the audience before going right into the song's finale. "Starfuckers, Inc." made rare appearances on the [[Performance 2007]] tour, and featured at at two shows on the [[Lights In The Sky Tour]] where that tour's production was unavailable. In 2018, "Starfuckers, Inc." returned for four shows on the [[Cold And Black And Infinite Tour]].
My god comes in a wrapper of cellophane
My god pouts on the cover of the magazine
My god’s god's a shallow little bitch trying to make the scene
I have arrived and you should believe the hype
I listened to everyone now I know that everyone was right
I’ll I'll be there for you as long as it works for me
I play a game
It’s It's called insincerity
I am every fucking thing and just a little more
I sold my soul but don’t don't you dare call me a whore
And when I suck you off not a drop will go to waste
It’s It's really not so bad you know once you get past the taste
All our pain
How did we ever get by without you?
You’re You're so vain
I bet you think this song is about you
Don’t Don't you? Don’t Don't you? Don’t Don't you? Don’t Don't you?
Now I belong I’m I'm one of the chosen ones Now I belong I’m I'm one of the beautiful ones The screamed final line is not printed in the liner notes: I have become
The first lyric to the second part of the first verse was changed on the actual recording:
I have arrived and this time you should believe the hype
 In the "Starsuckers, Inc.," music video, the lyrics in the breakdown are changed to:
All our pain
How did we ever get by without you?
And soon you'll make us forget about you
Won't you?
Won't you?
Won't you?
Won't you?
Also, in some versions of the song, the words "Everywhere you go" can be heard during the "Now I belong" outro.
==External Links==
*[http 61996823 "Starsuckers, Inc." music video]*[http Discogs entry for CD single]
{{Succession box| title=[[The Fragile (halo)|The Fragile]] Right (CD), Side E (Vinyl)| before=''CD, Vinyl'': [[Please]], ''Cassette'': Please (+appendage)| after=[[Complication]]| track=''CD'':18, ''Vinyl'': 19}}[[Category: NIN Songs]][[Category:Music Videos]]
