
*The ninwiki page for The Presence was updated with ascii art image of the presence. The edit was made by a user named Thepresence. It was then noticed that Thepresence has updated several other pages. these are listed below, with comments (if any) and the edits.
**The presence 02:18, 16 February 2007 Thepresence (00000R0G000FK0K00000080800000000AERG) [added ascii art of the presence] [[]]
**Parepin 22:42, 14 February 2007 Thepresence (Setting the truth.)(started the Parepin page, with a propaganda-type description of Parepin. No mention of adding it to water supply)
**105th auirborne crusaders 22:44, 14 February 2007 Thepresence (changed the category at the bottom from year zero arg to “World of year Zero”)
**22:44, 14 February 2007 Thepresence (capitalized the "Y" in "World of year Zero")
**22:44, 14 February 2007 Thepresence (changed the text again from "year zero arg" to "world of year zero")
[[Category:World of Year Zero]]
