== Website Content == === The History of the 105th Airborne Crusaders ===
The 105th Airborne Crusaders were created as a swift military response to the bioterrorist attacks on Los Angeles in -13 BA. The squadron is formed by " those men and women who kept a personal relationship with our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ and allowed the Holy Ghost to guide their rifles true."
[http://105thairbornecrusaders.com/history.htm History]
[http://www.105thairbornecrusaders.com/memories.htm This section] refers to military campaigns in Iran, Kashmir, and South Africa. "Satan" is referenced throughout the page, and is held responsible for the violent acts of resistance that the 105th soldiers faced. Adding to the religious nature of the 105th, the loss of Kashmir to the "enemy" is dubbed "the second fall of Eden".
===The Presence===
On the [http://www.105thairbornecrusaders.com/default.htm main page] an apparent sighting of the [[The Presence |'Presence']] phenomenon is mentioned.
“ Feb 4 4
I can see it from the roof of my house.
Guys, if this is the end, it’s been an honor.”
===In Memoriam===
A message to the fallen soldiers [http://www.105thairbornecrusaders.com/memoriam.htm]:
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary the, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,
We will remember them”
===Medals and Citations===
A list of the [http://www.105thairbornecrusaders.com/medals.htm Campaign Medals] are shown, including medals from Chad, Yemen, Syria, Kashmir, and Turkey.
== The [[The Presence |'Presence']] Reference ==