
21 bytes removed ,  10:27, 10 December 2009
Image:2005 02 26Questions1.gif | How do you feel about ''The Hand That Feeds'' Feed and ''The Line Begins To Blur'' being leaked on the internet?
Image:2005 02 26Questions2.gif | Is ''With Teeth'' a political album?
Image:2005 02 26Questions3.gif | With the event of new music coming out, there's alot of talk and arguing that goes on over the internet between fans about the releases.
Image:2005 02 26Questions6.gif | Any chance of you and Mark Romanek getting together for a third music video for the album?
Image:2005 02 26Questions7.gif | I've heard all this stuff about a deluxe edition of ''With Teeth'' being released in Japan.
Image:2005 02 26Questions8.gif | I can see that ''"My Dead Friend"'' isn't on the lineup for ''With Teeth''.
Image:2005 02 26Questions9.gif | What was the first song you wrote for ''With Teeth''?
Image:2005 02 26Questions10.gif | What was the last song you finished on the new album?
Image:2005 02 26Questions11.gif | Regarding a previous response where you stated you have been using the audio production software Ableton Live.
Image:2005 02 26Questions12.gif | Ever let any "source sounds" out for the rest of us to play with?
Image:2005 02 26Questions13.gif | Is that Dave Grohl drumming on ''"The Hand That Feeds"''?
Image:2005 02 26Questions14.gif | Will you document this tour much like ''Closure'' was to Self Destruct and ''AATCHB'' to Fragility?
Image:2005 02 26Questions15.gif | Will there be another printing of ''Still''?
Image:2005 02 26Questions16.gif | I saw that on A Perfect Circle's ''Emotive'' CD that you helped write ''"Passive."''
Image:2005 02 26Questions17.gif | Oh my dear Trent: I become very excited for your new album...
Image:2005 02 26Questions18.gif | Big question: modular synths during the live show?
