
no edit summary
This torrent includes high-res artwork and an html file with information about NIN and this release. All files are MP3 192kbps and include artwork and lyrics."</blockquote>
The track listing was altered when it was added to the nin:access iPhone app and the "Listen" section of [[]], and again when it was added to the official NIN SoundCloud account and [[Trent Reznor]]'s official Spotify account.
==Track Listings==
# "Gone, Still"
# "[[Soft Trees Break The Fall]]"
===Spotify Version===
# "A Warm Place"
# "Something I Can Never Have"
# "Help Me I Am In Hell"
# "Closer (Precursor)"
# "[[Find My Way]]"
#"1 Ghosts I"
# "Even Deeper"
# "La Mer"
# "Adrift And At Peace"
#"Lights In The Sky"
#"34 Ghosts IV"
# "Beside You In Time"
#"Another Version Of The Truth"
# "The Day The World Went Away" (''Still'' version)
# "[[Almost Home]]"
# "The Four Of Us Are Dying"
# "The Downward Spiral"
#"[[What If We Could?]]"
#"28 Ghosts IV"
# "The Way Out Is Through"
#"2 Ghosts I"
# "The Fragile"
# "The Mark Has Been Made"
# "The Great Below"
#"5 Ghosts I"
# "And All That Could Have Been"
# "Ripe (With Decay)"
# "The Persistence Of Loss"
# "13 Ghosts II"
# "Corona Radiata"
==External Links==
*[ Playlist on Spotify] (Account required)
*[ Playlist on SoundCloud]
