Bio is a section where the narrator, presumably the same as before, sort of gives an auto-biography. He states that he lived in a small town, with no jobs so he joined the 105th Airborne Crusaders. Afterwards he returned home and joined the police force. He then talks about parepin killing aggression and how “they” gave different soldiers are given different pills to make them compliantinduce aggression. Blue pills, or "die-agra", are given to "regulars" and red pills, called "blisters", "bloody mary" or "jerk" are given if "you are very good at your job". After the pills entry, He talks about a covert, night operation that took place in aurora, Illinois. He and four other comrades presumably exterminated unregistered Muslims within 47 households. The narrator states that throughout the mission he “came” or orgasmed, four times.