
8 bytes removed ,  22:26, 26 November 2015
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<blockquote>"This is for something important. Eric De La Cruz is dying and needs a heart transplant. He keeps getting turned down for a transplant list because he’s on Nevada Medicaid, and there are no transplant centers in Nevada. We want to get involved and hopefully so do you, so we’re extending a hand. His sister Veronica (former Anchor and Internet Correspondent for CNN) has started a campaign to save his life.
Eric’s situation shines a bright light on a broken health care system, and his particular set of problems are being addressed on the political front, aiming for reform in addition to the need for immediate financial help to keep him alive TODAY. I think we can help with the latter.
<blockquote>"Thank you so much for you help with this cause. Due to your generosity, we've raised OVER $800,000 FOR ERIC IN JUST SIX DAYS!
This response has been overwhelming - so much so we sadly have to stop accepting any more VIP package donations for the North American NIN/JA shows. We simply can't accommodate any more people! We are still accepting multiples of $10 donations and all VIP packages for the headlining shows in the rest of the world. Starting hopefully tomorrow, we'll be offering a limited package of 1,000 collectable / signed complete skateboards generously donated from my friend Tony Hawk. For a donation of $1,000, you will receive one of these and a signed-by-me copy of NIN's rarest CD release, STILL.
