
43 bytes added ,  23:42, 2 April 2019
no edit summary
The text accompanying the download page was:
<blockquote><strike>FREE</strike> DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE NOW!
To download NIN's new full-length album ''Strobe Light'', PRODUCED BY TIMBALAND, enter a valid email address in the fields
below. A download link will be sent to you immediately. Your credit card will be charged $18.98 plus a $10
digital delivery convenience fee. Your files will arrive as windows media files playable on quite
Your email will be kept confidential and will not be used for spam, unless we can make some money selling it.</blockquote>
This "release" was an April Fools' joke on Reznor's fans, and was a parody of the current music scene's obsession with particular artists, production by Timbaland, and also a tongue-in-cheek poke at his own song titles and public image. Reznor may have been referencing Chris Cornell's album ''Scream'', which was produced by Timbaland, noting a particular ([ tweet]).
Any attempt to download the album would redirect the user to a faux "Blue Screen Of Death" ([ here]), a mock at the Windows error message.
== Fan Release ==
On April 1st, 2019, a fan remix -made album was released with the same name. It is comprised of mashups and follows the same tracklist as the one originally teased. It was uploaded to Bandcamp ([ here]) and ([ here].)
== Interpretations ==
Go Fight has interpreted [ "Pussygrinder"] from the album.
==External Links==
