Two ''Year Zero'' songs made their debut on this leg ("[[Survivalism (song)|Survivalism]]" and "[[The Beginning Of The End]]"), as well as a few old, never before played live songs: "[[Last]]" from ''[[Broken]]'', "[[We're In This Together (song)|We're In This Together]]" from ''[[The Fragile (halo)|The Fragile]]'' and deconstructed version of "[[The Fragile (song)|The Fragile]]" from ''[[Still]]''. Three songs from ''[[The Downward Spiral (halo)|The Downward Spiral]]'' ("[[Heresy]]", "[[Ruiner]]", "[[The Becoming]]") returned to the setlist for the first time since 1994-95 [[Self Destruct Touring Cycle|Self Destruct tour]].
The production on this tour was minimal, as it was mostly a club tour. On the other hand, the tour featured the heaviest setlist rotation to this point in NIN history, covering about 40 songs from all NIN albums.
During the Spanish and UK legs at the beginning of this tour, flash drives each containing an intentionally leaked song from ''Year Zero'' ("[[My Violent Heart]]," "[[Me, I'm Not]]" and "[[In This Twilight]]") were found in men's bathroom stalls.