
163 bytes added ,  06:36, 9 November 2019
This is the original album version. Characteristic of the band's mid-90s industrial rock sound, it opens with an eerie and quiet machine-like sound collage sampled from the film ''Leviathan'', which transitions into an imitative musical composition. The structure, repetitive in nature, contains three distinct but similar sections, all driven by machine-like percussion loops and undulating rhythm guitar and synthesized bass. The choruses reflect a brighter mood with prominent melodic synthesizers and glimpses of guitar. The three sections are joined by two quiet instrumental breaks, a technique used later on "[[Even Deeper]]."While not a direct sample, the ascending synth melody from 5:13 to 5:20 seems to be a reference to "Laura Palmer's Theme" from the television show ''Twin Peaks''.
A reversed version of the track is hidden on side B of the ''[[Not The Actual Events]]'' vinyl.
