
3 bytes removed ,  03:54, 3 May 2021
The music video was filmed by London-based team Shynola in October 2012, with the post production taking up that winter. It is the first music video not to feature the band members of HTDA. Filmed in Wales, it opens with a young man (Alex Stuart) wearing nothing but a loincloth waking up in a dystopian wasteland. He paints his body with tribal markings and forages for leaves, running and crawling across the bleak landscape. He sees an old man, covered with possessions, and signals down to him from a high cliff. When the old man turns to wave, the young man has vanished and rapidly appears behind him, strangling him to death with a piece of cord. Having taken all the possessions he desires and filled a water bottle, he returns to his home to bring the water to his ill and elderly mother.
The video's production team said :<blockquote>"We had a great conversation where the band articulated their ideas about modern identity, the effect of technology on culture and our inability to connect with others. We're fascinated by anthropology and coincidentally we had been toying with ideas for a feature film about a post-technology civilization, in which humans have reverted to primitive behavior. Sometimes things just fit together."</blockquote> How to destroy angels added :<blockquote> "Their work is visually striking and consistently stands out. When we started talking about possible directors to work with for 'How long,' their name came up right away. It's been an honor to finally work with them, and to get their wholly unique interpretation of the themes we've been exploring with this record and this song."</blockquote>
Produced by Black Dog Films.
