
158 bytes added ,  03:22, 21 July 2021
This featured Trent Reznor and Jerome Dillon performing in the living room of Reznor's former home in New Orleans. The performance in this video is not the same as featured on the album. Both the audio and video were recorded solely for this release, though the audio take here is very similar to what was used on the album.
===Gone, Still===
The only new song on the release to get a video, this again featured Trent Reznor and Jerome Dillon, performing in the same room as "Something I Can Never Have", with a wind machine in place. The audio is an entirely different take than the one on the album. It is strictly acoustic and lacks the synth pads from the album version, and also adds a few improvised notes. The windows are open in the room, and a thunderclap can be heard at the end.
==Album Credits==
