
* "Closer" uses a heavily modified sample of a kick drum from the song "[[Nightclubbing]]" from ''The Idiot'' album by Iggy Pop. [] It also uses a reversed sample of a guitar figure from "Take A Chance With Me" by Roxy Music, and a synth bass sound from the ''A Poke in the Ear With a Sharp Stick, Vol. 2'' sample library.
* "A Warm Place" is based on the melody from David Bowie's 1980 single "Crystal Japan." Some hear it as a complete rip-off, while others argue that from a music theory point of view that the structure has significant differences.
*The looping female voice that appears on "Reptile" (approx. 5:06) is from the 1974 film ''The Texas Chain Saw Massacre''. The strange mechanical sound before the drums start can be found in the movie ''Leviathan'' , and the other a looped mechanical sounds during all the song are is found in ''Aliens'' (the escape in opening scene immediately after the vesselchamber is cut open.). Also, while not a direct sample, the ascending synth melody from 5:13 to 5:20 seems to be a reference to "Laura Palmer's Theme" from the television show ''Twin Peaks''.
* "The Becoming" uses screams from the film ''Robot Jox'' and a reversed sample of the phrase "I know who I am" from the film ''Angel Heart''.
* "Ruiner" samples "Beat Box" by Art of Noise, and the breakdown samples elephant noises from David Lynch's ''The Elephant Man'' and a buried scream from the film ''Parents''.
