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}}'''"Survivalism"''' is the third track and the first single from the 2007 album ''[[Year Zero]].''
On March 13, the source files for the song were released in GarageBand format at [[]]. "Survivalism" is the third NIN song to be officially released as source files—"[[Only (song)|Onlymultitracks]]" and "[[The Hand That Feeds (song)|The Hand That Feeds]]" were previously released.
===Song Credits===
*''[[The Definitive NIN - The Singles]]'' - online playlist(s); not on original Seed release
* ''CSI: Crime Scene Investigation'': Season 7 : Living Doll (05/17/07)[]
'''''Running Time: 4:31'''''
David Andrew Sitek is a member of [[TV On The Radio]], who opened for [[Nine Inch Nails]] during the [[Live: With Teeth]] tour. This remix was originally available as a UK-only iTunes download. It came as a free bonus track packaged included with the full album download of ''Year Zero.'' It is alternatively available was later also released on the [[Capital G (halo)|''Capital G'' single]]. It is akin similar to the original song sound-wise, but features a heavier and more plodding drum line. Additionally, it enhances Williams' back up vocals and makes them more prominent than in the original. The structure and length of the song remains relatively unchanged.
===Survivalism (deadmau5 Remix)===
This is a remix by deadmau5, originally released through his official SoundCloud account in 2012, then commercially on his album ''while(1<2)''.
==Garage Band GarageBand Files==On 3/March 13/07 Garage Band , 2007, GarageBand files for Survivalism were released on [ []]. Along with Survivalism, there was another file called Survivalism Our End Trip with some weird sounds. After rearranging the file through a spectogram, [ this] was found. The following case number for [[Judson Ogram Correctional Facility|Judson Ogram]] was found:
Case number 6455da04
A wall of surveillance monitors details the activities of several people in an apartment building. A group of rebels is creating stencils and spray-painting the "Art Is Resistance" logo on walls. In an apartment, a pair of gay lovers share an intimate moment. In another dwelling, a young asian woman stands topless at her mirror doing her hair and applying make-up. Elsewhere someone is high on drugs, while a couple just sits on their couch in their home. A man is seen on a [ computer] with several photos and [http[:// |news clippings]]behind him. Another man is seen on camera eating his dinner. Seen on several monitors is Nine Inch Nails playing the song in what is assumed to be their practice space. Intercut with these scenes is footage of armed soldiers, dressed like SWAT members, moving in on the building and one of the spaces in the video.
At the end of the video the people in the other monitors seem to respond to an ado in one of the spaces seen on the monitor wall. The space where NIN was playing has its door busted in and a pool of blood leading out, while all of the other cameras trained on the band have gone to static. At the very end a body is seen being dragged around a corner, leaving a trail of blood. Presumably the body is that of Reznor, as it wears the same scarf that he is seen wearing throughout the video.<br>
* The door knocked in has "Rev 18.3.4" painted on its exterior. The biblical verses Revelation 18:3 and 18:4 are: "For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies," and "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
* One room shows a couple injecting opal
* The letters hidden in time counter at the monitors T H E T U R N E D T O lead to webside [ http://www[The Water Turned To Blood]] ]
* New code in the cd-single track list RSWTB in the credits of track 2 - survivalism_tardusted []
==External Links==
*[http "Survivalism" music video (Brief NSFWUncensored)]*[http "Survivalism" music video (editedClean Version)]*[http "Survivalism" with Williams, live from on stage, Atlanta, 5.10.09]
*[ "Survivalism" (Instrumental) at]
