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[[Image:Daveogilvie.jpg|thumbnail|Dave "Rave" Ogilvie]]
'''Dave "Rave" Ogilvie''' is a Canadian-born musician and producer who has collaborated with [[Trent ReznorNine Inch Nails]] throughout his career. He has been associated with many bands in the industrial rock genre, most prominently [[Skinny Puppy]]. 
==NIN Credits==
===Other NIN Credits===
Ogilvie was also thanked in the liner notes for ''[[With Teeth (halo)|With Teeth]].''
==Other Work==
Rave is credited for producing and engineering several [[Marilyn Manson (band)|Marilyn Manson]] releases.
===Skinny Puppy===
He has produced many releases from [[Skinny Puppy]], serving as producer on every album release from "Remission" (1984) through "The Process (1996), and was once a full member of the band.
Dave Ogilvie remixed the songs "Stinkfist" and "Forty-Six & 2" by [[Tool]]. These tracks have yet to see an official release. [[Category:Related to NIN]]
