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===Song Credits===
*Production: [[Flood ]] and [[Trent Reznor]]
*Mixing Engineer: [[Alan Moulder]]
==="Crystal Japan" resemblance===
[[Trent Reznor]] has been accused of ripping off the theme of "A Warm Place" from David Bowie's 1980 single "Crystal Japan". He did state that Bowie's album ''Low'' (1977) had the biggest influence in the making of ''The Downward Spiral,''[] though ''Low'' does not contain "Crystal Japan." Some have claimed that what is heard is deceiving; that from a musical theory point of view, there exist significant differences between the structures of the two melodies.
====David Bowie Interview====
Reznor himself recognised the accidental musical similarity in an interview with David Bowie:[]
<blockquote>'''Reznor''': There was one point when we were doing the record that I came up with this melody and I thought, "this is really good," and that I couldn't have written it myself. So I played it for [[Flood]] and he said "that's really good," and I said "that's gotta be somebody else's song."
'''Bowie''': It's from a gin advert I did in Japan!
