
removed duplicate info, replaced with 'francesca" examples
The time counter on the [[Survivalism]] video hid a few letters, which, when rearranged, form The Water Turned To Blood. The video also contains two visible Bible references, John 19:34 ("But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.") and Exodus 7:21 ("And the fish that [was] in the river died; and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river; and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt."), that both can be interpreted as referring to this site.
When you examine the two paragraphs from, the first paragraph is written in lowercase and the second is in uppercase except for the reoccuring letters francescafrancescafrancesca.
The letters "francescaFRANCESCA" are repeated is written in the capitol letters here:<pre>being the witness of john of boston, who Found this Revelation on that time when the loar As awarning chose to turN the waters of the sea to blood when he Came upon the hand of god and thevoicE of god which iS as offset from the case voiCe of rushing wAters, of mighty thunders </pre>and twice in the normal textlower case here:<pre>fOr THE LORD SaID UnTO ME, THE cLOUDS SHALL WeEEP TEARs OF BLOOD AND THE SEAS TURN TO cRIMSONFOR OF MaNKIND HAVE I fASHIONED A BrIDGE BETWEEN HEaVEn AND HELL, BUT cAN YOU SeE THE BRIDGE IscRaCKED AND THE END IS AT HAND. </pre>
