File list
This special page shows all uploaded files.
Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | User | Description | Versions |
02:18, 14 February 2007 | Yearzerowiki.png (file) | 17 KB | Tony | A little fan-made title. By User:Malechite. | 1 | |
05:00, 14 February 2007 | BibleReference.gif (file) | 13 KB | Requieminadream | A slightly hidden image found on the front page of | 1 | |
05:33, 14 February 2007 | Iamtryingtobelievetourshirt.jpg (file) | 28 KB | Malechite | A t-shirt from the early 2007 over-seas tour of Nine Inch Nails. The highlighted letters spelled out ‘iamtryingtobelieve’ which was found out to be a website when adding “.com” to it. | 1 | |
06:38, 14 February 2007 | 105thairborne.gif (file) | 88 KB | Requieminadream | The official emblem of the 105th Airborne Crusaders. | 1 | |
06:51, 14 February 2007 | Hiddenbible1.gif (file) | 12 KB | Requieminadream | The hidden bible reference on the 105th Airborne Crusaders main page. | 1 | |
12:41, 14 February 2007 | Nintourshirt2.jpg (file) | 303 KB | Heroicraptor | This is the shirt that has the phone number on it. | 1 | |
23:33, 14 February 2007 | Flashdriveno0.gif (file) | 37 KB | Requieminadream | The flash drive found in Lisbon, Portugal. It contained the "My Violent Heart" MP3. | 1 | |
00:27, 15 February 2007 | Presence1.PNG (file) | 102 KB | Heroicraptor | One example of The Presence | 1 | |
00:33, 15 February 2007 | Presence2.PNG (file) | 62 KB | Heroicraptor | Another example of The Presence | 1 | |
01:47, 15 February 2007 | Halo2.jpg (file) | 49 KB | Xander1062 | Pretty Hate Machine (Halo 2) Album cover | 1 | |
07:42, 15 February 2007 | Downinit.jpg (file) | 38 KB | Projektidiot | Image cover for Halo 1, Down In It. | 1 | |
07:47, 15 February 2007 | Opalo morse.jpg (file) | 6 KB | Nympholept | A waveform display of the morse code at the end of the opalo mp3, made with nero wave editor | 1 | |
07:51, 15 February 2007 | 13102951040 morse.jpg (file) | 7 KB | Nympholept | A waveform display of the morse code at the end of the telephone message, made with nero wave editor | 1 | |
07:57, 15 February 2007 | Ballgameover morse.jpg (file) | 8 KB | Nympholept | A waveform display of the morse code at the end of the ballgameover mp3, made with nero wave editor | 1 | |
07:57, 15 February 2007 | Nohurry morse.jpg (file) | 9 KB | Nympholept | A waveform display of the morse code at the end of the nohurry mp3, made with nero wave editor | 1 | |
12:57, 15 February 2007 | AVOTT index.jpg (file) | 309 KB | Xander1062 | Both views of the front page of | 1 | |
01:19, 16 February 2007 | Halo8.jpg (file) | 47 KB | Xander1062 | Album art of the original release of The Downward Spiral (halo8). | 1 | |
06:59, 16 February 2007 | HeadLikeAHoleUS.jpg (file) | 48 KB | Heroicraptor | 1 | ||
16:33, 16 February 2007 | MVH log.jpg (file) | 565 KB | Xander1062 | The end of "My Violent Heart" viewed through a logarithmic spectrometer. | 2 | |
22:42, 16 February 2007 | Mostofhiddentext.jpg (file) | 78 KB | Chantene | Hidden text recovered from the websites. Creates passage from "The Hobbit" | 1 | |
22:45, 16 February 2007 | SinUS.PNG (file) | 90 KB | Heroicraptor | Cover of US release of Sin | 1 | |
04:23, 17 February 2007 | MarchofthePigs.gif (file) | 48 KB | GrayscaleRain | The "March of the Pigs" Halo 07 US cover | 1 | |
05:48, 17 February 2007 | BYIT15.jpg (file) | 32 KB | Pomte | 1 | ||
05:49, 17 February 2007 | BYIT14.jpg (file) | 64 KB | Pomte | 1 | ||
07:39, 17 February 2007 | CharlieJerome.jpg (file) | 30 KB | Pomte | 1 | ||
11:52, 17 February 2007 | Purest feeling.jpg (file) | 53 KB | Scicks | Cover art of Purest Feeling. | 1 | |
16:54, 17 February 2007 | MVH lin.gif (file) | 388 KB | Xander1062 | The end of "My Violent Heart" viewed through a linear spectrometer. | 1 | |
17:51, 17 February 2007 | Questions10.gif (file) | 4 KB | Heroicraptor | access 2004/12/03 | 1 | |
18:15, 17 February 2007 | Questions1.gif (file) | 3 KB | Heroicraptor | 2004/12/03 access | 1 | |
19:57, 17 February 2007 | The presence.JPG (file) | 144 KB | JayD | Screen shot of The Presence in My Violent Heart using the "sliding spectrograph" visualization plug-in for Winamp. No special software needed. | 1 | |
04:40, 18 February 2007 | Church 01.jpg (file) | 26 KB | Chantene | 1 | ||
05:00, 18 February 2007 | Church ola and plano copy.jpg (file) | 52 KB | Chantene | Comparing OLA and Church of Plano | 1 | |
05:54, 18 February 2007 | Bethehammer.jpg (file) | 29 KB | Chantene | Be the Hammer header and St.Dominic quote | 1 | |
23:26, 18 February 2007 | B00001P4TH.01. AA240 SCLZZZZZZZ .jpg (file) | 10 KB | Weallwantmore | 1 | ||
20:54, 19 February 2007 | Peter and trent.jpg (file) | 50 KB | Chantene | From 2007 Radio collaborations | 1 | |
21:13, 19 February 2007 | Gotham reunior tour.jpg (file) | 15 KB | Chantene | Bauhaus gotham reunion tour. | 1 | |
00:24, 20 February 2007 | 2163331810.jpg (file) | 43 KB | Malechite | The spectograph image inside 2423.mp3 | 1 | |
01:44, 20 February 2007 | Pickpendrive.jpg (file) | 353 KB | Leo3375 | The flash drive that contains "Me, I'm Not" and the audio file leading to the second phone message | 1 | |
03:14, 20 February 2007 | Wordfind2.jpg (file) | 103 KB | JayD | From Slaughterhouse-five by Kurt Vonnegut. February 13, 1945 - Dresden destroyed... see | 1 | |
14:38, 22 February 2007 | Art is Resistance.jpg (file) | 33 KB | Mfaith | 2 | ||
17:07, 22 February 2007 | Jeordie White.jpg (file) | 39 KB | Meatball | Jeordie White performing live | 1 | |
22:59, 22 February 2007 | Yearzero video hi frame135.jpg (file) | 23 KB | Pravus | A frame showing the blue sign in the Year Zero video (135). | 1 | |
02:08, 23 February 2007 | FreeseNorth.jpg (file) | 19 KB | Pomte | cropped to highlight Freese under the Chinese Democracy sign | 1 | |
02:31, 23 February 2007 | MansonReznor.jpg (file) | 60 KB | Pomte | 1 | ||
01:05, 24 February 2007 | 5 12 04questions6.gif (file) | 5 KB | Pomte | | 1 | |
01:09, 24 February 2007 | 5 07 04questions3.gif (file) | 21 KB | Pomte | | 1 | |
01:19, 24 February 2007 | 7 13 04questions3.gif (file) | 13 KB | Pomte | | 1 | |
01:21, 24 February 2007 | 7 21 04questions2.gif (file) | 10 KB | Pomte | | 1 | |
01:31, 24 February 2007 | 7 21 04questions6.gif (file) | 11 KB | Pomte | | 1 | |
07:24, 24 February 2007 | WoodstockHappiness.jpg (file) | 30 KB | Pomte | screenshot | 1 |