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*Reznor addressed the crowd at two points during the concert: in the first instance he introduced the members of the band (also mentioning [[Alessandro Cortini]] "makes a delicious fettucinni") and outlined each of their side-projects, including a solo project being worked on by North of which Reznor said "I know absolutely nothing about." He outlined what had happened since when they last played Sydney (an earlier leg of the same tour)—he had produced [[Saul Williams]]' new album, toured China ("We found that there are a lot of fuckin' Chinese in China"), Israel and Germany ("all in the same week!"). After another song he followed up with "two things I forgot to mention", and announced that:
#Devo (of which [[Josh Freese]] is a member) will be touring Australia in 2007 ("he may just end up staying here")
#The 'sequel' album to ''[[Year Zero]]'' is currently being worked on and will be released some time next year, and the band will likely be touring again "mid next year:"During '"[[March Of The Pigs (song)|March of the Of The Pigs']], " The crowd sung sang "doesnt Doesn't it make you feel better" before trent Reznor got the chance to, and trent he responded with, "Actually, I do feel a lot better than last time," before continuing with the song.
"Same deal as this one—you keep stealing the music and sharing it with your friends, and maybe convince them to come along and see the show."
#"[[Sin (song)|Sin]]"
#"[[March Of The Pigs (song)|March Of The Pigs]]"
#"[[Something I Can Never Have]]"
#"[[Gave Up]]"
#"[[Me, I'm Not]]"
#"[[The Great Destroyer]]" - the chaotic instrumental ending to the song was greatly lengthened and featured snatches of "[[Happiness in Slavery]]".
#"[[Only (song)|Only]]"
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