
311 bytes added ,  04:12, 21 January 2008
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Number: [[Year_Zero_Numbers#24.23.1|24.23.1]]
== Content ==Background Text: [[Year_Zero_Banned_Media#Der_Prozess|Der Prozess by Franz Kafka]]
Exhibit Twenty Four is a Bureau of Morality page compiling a list of mostly all known ARG sites to-date (and hidden sub-pages)==Discovery==[[Image:Capitalgewz1. It is presented as a dossier of evidence against a classified individualjpg|thumb|Spectrogram #1|right|300px]][[Image:Capitalgott5.jpg|thumb|Spectrogram #2|right|300px]]
The page comprises of Exhibit Twenty Four was discovered from the "[[Year Zero NumbersCapital G (song)|numbersCapital G]] " GarageBand release. A sample was spectrum analysed and what each page relates found tocontain [ Echoing The Sound] avatars encoded as audio. The initial letter of the username that the avatars belonged to revealed the word "exhibit24."
== Undiscovered Pages Content==Exhibit Twenty Four is a [[US Bureau of Morality]] page compiling a list of mostly all known ARG sites to-date (and hidden sub-pages). It is presented as a dossier of evidence against a classified individual, who is speculated to be [[Trent Reznor]].
Exhibit Twenty Four currently refers to two undiscovered pages. === Danny Jane === Danny Jane is a government official, and Exhibit Twenty Four makes reference to a "potentially treasonous letter" written by him. The entry for this bears page comprises of the number [[Year_Zero_Numbers#24.4.1Year Zero Numbers|24.4.1numbers]]and what each page relates to. At present, the location of this letter is unknown. === Another Version of the Truth /violence ===
===Undiscovered Page: Another Version of the Truth /violence===
Listed as a subdirectory of [[Another Version of the Truth (website)|Another Version of the Truth]], no detail is given on the content of this page. At present, fetching [] returns a ''404 Page Not Found'' error.
=== Subversive Networks ===The [ last page] of Exhibit Twenty four links to two lists of individuals. The [ first list] seems to list consists of [ The Spiral] members, whilst while the [ second list] lists [[Echoing the Sound]][ Echoing The Sound] members, with each addition bearing a ''24.24.x.x'' designation. Some members are referred to as being held at [[Exterminal]], some are marked as deceased, and some are marked as soft targets. It is unknown if these references bear any relevance at presentnoticed that not ALL SPIRAL OR ETS members have been listed on this page.
== Notes ==Some members are referred to as being held at [[Exterminal]], some are marked as deceased, and some are marked as soft targets. It is unknown if these personal statuses bear any relevance at present.
The inmate that Exhibit Twenty Four provides a dossier of evidence against is referred individuals listed on these pages are deemed to as "classified". The surveillance video ([[Survivalism]]) referred to on [http://wwwbe resistance page 3] details A notice regarding the capture fates of an inmate referred to as "classified". Please note that you can have more than one classified individual, so these may not be the same person!members reads:
== Speculation == '''The Resistance Network''' These people are intelligent, organized, and highly motivated. Finding, catching, and destroying them should be a top priority.''
It is suspected that Exhibit Twenty Four Interestingly, there is a gap in the first list. "catch-up24.24.1.1441" site, listing is not listed at all of and linking to the ARG sites in order to provide a back-story research point to people just joining missing username can be determined by the ARGnames listed at numbers 1440 and 1442.
== Discovery =[CLASSIFIED]===The inmate that Exhibit Twenty Four provides a dossier of evidence against is referred to as "[CLASSIFIED]". The surveillance video ("[[Survivalism (song)|Survivalism]]") referred to on [ page 3] details the capture of an inmate referred to as "classified." This use of [CLASSIFIED] is the same as used on [[Exterminal]].
Further searching shows that the [CLASSIFIED] subject is a "dissident musician" who is a part of [[Image:Capitalgewz1.jpg|thumb|Spectrogram #1|right|300pxNine Inch Nails]][. This is listed as number 24.11.2 on [Imagehttp:Capitalgott5//www.exhibit24.jpg|thumb|Spectrogram #2|right|300px]net/page3.htm page 3].
Exhibit Twenty Four was discovered from the [[Capital G]Category:World of Year Zero] garageband release. A sample was spectrum analysed and found to contain [ Echoing The Sound] avatars encoded as audio. The initial letter of the username that the avatars belonged to revealed the word "exhibit24".
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