
Joined 20 September 2007
1,303 bytes removed ,  14:17, 15 February 2011
I was wondering if someone could clear up some confusion for me...
If you go to http://www.ninwiki.com/Year_Zero_Timeline and scroll down to 2/9/0000 or 2/9/2022 it says that "Angry Sniper" shoots people at baseball game in Chicago in act of "resistance."
Then if you open a new window and go to http://www.ninwiki.com/World_Of_Year_Zero_Fact_Sheet and scroll down to the Attacks and Wars section it says: "The 105th were all killed in a nuclear attack, the location is unknown."
When you listen to BallgameOver.mp3 or read about it, the "Angry Sniper" says: I used to be a sniper, 105th airborne crusaders, AMEN.
I have thought of three possibilities: one, he is lying about himself being a former 105th Airborne Crusader; two, a second 105th Airborne Crusaders team was assembled and he was a member of that one (I don't know about this possibility since there has been no mention of a refomation of the 105th); three, since the location is unknown and chipping seems to be a "normal" thing in the world of Year Zero, maybe he was taken and was brainwashed somehow to attack during the ballgame; or four, he quit the 105th before they were all killed in a nuclear attack and decided to become part of the resistance.
Again, I don't know and would like for someone to clear this up for me...
