
no edit summary
[[Nine Inch Nails]] played at the Riverside Theatre in Milwaukee, WIWisconsin, on September 7, 1994as part of the [[Further Down The Spiral Tour]]. [[Marilyn Manson (band)|Marilyn Manson]] and [[Related_bands_and_artists#Hole|Hole]] were the opening acts.
''Add interesting things that happened and memorable quotes here.''
during piggy, trent goes into crowd. audience member sings "nothing nothing, nothing can stop me now"
between wish & suck, trent says "thank you. i hate this fucking stage"
i vividly remember watching the roadies taping down the mic cord - probably so TR couldn't throw it quite so far - and thinking… that's not nice & it's gonna piss off TR.
during Down In It:
"if this fucking cord were any longer i would go on you fucking fuckers…"
*''Setlist may be incomplete''
#"[[Mr. Self Destruct]]"
*[ Reflecting in the Chrome]
''Add audio and video bootleg information here. Please do not direct-link to bootleg downloads.''
==External Links==
''You may include links to concert reviews and other articles about the concert. YouTube links are welcome as long as they have been uploaded by the person who recorded the video.''
[[Category:Tour Dates]]
