
69 bytes removed ,  23:51, 26 March 2020
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'''''Ghosts V: Together''''' (also known as '''''[[Halo numbers|Halo 33]]''''') is the second installment of ''[[Ghosts]]'' from [[Nine Inch Nails]]. It was both announced and digitally released on March 26, 2020, during the ''#STAYHOME'' initiative in the wake of [[wiki:COVID-19|COVID-19]] isolation due to viral outbreak worldwide.
It was released simultaneously with alongside ''Ghosts''' third installment, ''[[Ghosts VI: Locusts]]'', making them the only NIN releases to date to be put out simultaneously.  
The album was released alongside ''Ghosts VI'', making it and ''Ghosts VI'' the only NIN releases to date to be put out simultaneously. It was released unannounced, with a message from [[Trent Reznor]] and [[Atticus Ross]] on the [[]] website:
