
1 byte removed ,  03:42, 28 November 2020
*Utilise Google Earth to expand the global NIN community.
*Access their inbox and download customised wallpapers and photos.
*Listen to the entire NIN discography via streaming [[podcasts]].
The application apparently cost [[Trent Reznor]] around $10,000 to build, and could one day be released for platforms other than Apple's media devices, although they would all have to be fully compatible with Google Earth software, and thus far only Android and Blackberry have shown interest. It is a highly unique application, both for the iPhone and for bands in general, as it allows communication en masse with the NIN fanbase without any high subscription or costs.
[[Image:Trentsiphone.jpg|thumb|right|201px|The application in action]]
Parts of the application can be used an accessed from, but the full usage will never be available without a mobile device, specifically the "Nearby" section, explained here:
<blockquote> The idea behind Nearby is to facilitate local interaction between fans - particularly at shows - and opening that up to the web would defeat the purpose - which is why, for now, only mobile users can interact with Nearby.
It has been hinted that the application will also one day include live, streaming video from live concerts.
==Issues With Apple==
On May 2nd, Reznor announced via Twitter that an updated version of NIN:Access had been rejected by Apple because it contains objectionable content. The objectionable content referenced is "The Downward Spiral". Further details of the rejection were posted by Reznor in the NIN Forums: