
==Army of Anyone==
Army of Anyone is a [[Richard Patrick]] project, featuring the DeLeo brothers from Stone Temple Pilots. Their first record came out late 2006.
==Daniel Avery==
Daniel Avery is an English DJ and producer who opened for NIN during the [[Cold And Black And Infinite Tour]] in 2018.
==Bird Blobs==
==Black Light Burns==
As the successor to The Damning Well, Black Light Burns also includes [[Danny Lohner]] on guitar/keyboards/sound design, [[Josh Eustis]] on keyboards and sound design and [[Josh Freese]] on drums. However, like NIN, this is mainly Wes Borland's project in the studio, with the other musicians serving for the live component.
==Black Moth Super Rainbow==
Black Moth Super Rainbow is an American experimental electronic band who opened for NIN during the [[Europe + Asia 2018]] tour.
==The Damning Well==
The Damning Well is a rock band comprising several NIN members: [[Richard Patrick]] on vocals, [[Danny Lohner]], [[Josh Freese]] on drums and Wes Borland of Limp Bizkit on guitar.
==Death In Vegas==
Death In Vegas is an English electronic band who opened for NIN during the [[Cold And Black And Infinite Tour]] in 2018.
==Guns N' Roses==
[[Robin Finck]] and [[Josh Freese]] have played for Guns N' Roses. [[Chris Vrenna]] was also invited to join the band, but turned it down. NIN played a few shows as a supporting band for GNR in 1991.
==Gabe Gurnsey==
Gabe Gurnsey (aka Factory Floor) is an English post-industrial artist who opened for NIN during the [[Cold And Black And Infinite Tour]] in 2018. Factory Floor also remixed "[[Keep It Together]]" for [[How To Destroy Angels]].
HEALTH is an American noise rock band who opened for NIN during the [[Lights In The Sky Tour]] in 2008 and the [[Wave Goodbye Tour]] in 2009. NIN and HEALTH also collaborated on the track "[[Isn't Everyone]]" in 2021.
Helmet is an American alt metal band who opened for NIN during the [[Fall 1995 Club Tour]].
HMLTD is an English post-punk band who opened for NIN during the [[Cold And Black And Infinite Tour]] in 2018.
==Jim Rose Circus==
A freak show/circus troupe that supported Nine Inch Nails in the 1994/1995 tours. They are unusual in this aspect as they are one of, if not the only, non-musical group to support NIN.
==Kite Base==
Kite Base is an electronic act who opened for NIN during the [[Cold And Black And Infinite Tour]] in 2018. They have also covered "[[Something I Can Never Have]]".
==Meat Beat Manifesto==
==Pop Will Eat Itself==
Pop Will Eat Itself is an English electronic band. They opened for NIN during the [[Further Down The Spiral Tour]] and original frontman [[Clint Mansell]] made guest appearances during the [[Nights Of Nothing Tour]]. PWEI was once signed to [[Nothing Records]].
==The PoPo==
The PoPo (or POPO) is an American/Pakistani alternative band who opened for NIN during the [[Performance 2007]] tour.
==Queen Kwong==
Queen Kwong is an American alternative band that includes Carre Calloway and Wes Borland, who opened for NIN during the [[Wave Goodbye Tour]] and the [[Europe + Asia 2018]] tour.
==The Soft Moon==
The Soft Moon (aka Luis Vasquez) was an American electronic/post-punk act who opened for NIN during the [[Cold And Black And Infinite Tour]] in 2018 and also remixed "[[Ice Age]]" for [[How To Destroy Angels]].
SONOIO is an alternative rock/electronica solo project from [[Alessandro Cortini]] that he began in 2010 after leaving NIN at the end of the , and who also remixed "[[Lights The Space In The Sky TourBetween]]" for [[How To Destroy Angels]].
==Telefon Tel Aviv==
Telefon Tel Aviv is an American electronic band comprised of [[Josh Eustis]] and the late Charles Cooper. They have remixed several NIN tracks.
Tobacco (aka Thomas Fec) is an American electronic act who opened for NIN during the [[I Can't Seem To Wake Up 2017]] and [[Cold And Black And Infinite Tour|Cold And Black And Infinite]] tours, and also collaborated with Trent Reznor on their song "Babysitter".
==Treponem Pal==
==Type O Negative==
Type O Negative is were an American gothic metal band who opened for NIN during the [[Self Destruct Tour]] in 1994. The band broke up upon the death of lead singer Peter Steele in April of 2010.
==White Rose Movement==
White Rose Movement is a British post-punk band who opened for NIN during the [[Performance 2007]] tour.
==Yves Tumor==
Yves Tumor (aka Sean Bowie) is an American experimental musician who opened for NIN during the [[NIN 2022]] tour.
==See also==
* [[:Category:Early bands]]
[[Category:Related to NIN]][[Category:Supporting Acts]]
