[[Image:Gonegirl+physical.jpg|thumb|''Gone Girl Soundtrack''<br>[http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fs%3Fie%3DUTF8%26x%3D0%26ref_%3Dnb%5Fsb%5Fnoss%26y%3D0%26field-keywords%3Dgone%2520girl%2520soundtrack%26url%3Dsearch-alias%253Daps&tag=thniinnawi-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957 Find on Amazon] - [http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=9&pub=5574848848&toolid=10001&campid=5336384580&customid=&icep_uq=gone+girl+soundtrack&icep_sellerId=&icep_ex_kw=&icep_sortBy=12&icep_catId=&icep_minPrice=&icep_maxPrice=&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229466&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg Find on eBay]]][[Image:Gone GirlCD.jpg|thumb|Digital artwork]] '''''Gone Girl Soundtrack''''' (aka ''Gone Girl - Soundtrack From The Motion Picture'') was scored by [[Trent Reznor]] and [[Atticus Ross]] for [[David Fincher]]'s film ''Gone Girl,'' which is adapted from the bestselling novel by Gillian Flynn. This It was released on September 20, 2014, and is the third soundtrack of several [[soundtracks]] that Reznor and Ross have worked on togetherfor Fincher. On December 2nd, preceded 2019, it was confirmed by ''[[John Crawford]] on [[Echoing The Social Network SoundtrackSound]] forum that its release number is [[Null numbers|Null 03]]'' and '', in keeping with [[The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo SoundtrackNull Corporation]]'', also for David Finchers numbering system.
::'''Disc 1'''
#"[[What Have We Done To Each Other?]]" - 2:30
#"[[Sugar Storm]]" - 2:53
#"[[Like Home]]" - 3:39
#"[[Empty Places (Reprise)]]" - 2:20
#"[[The Way He Looks At Me]]" - 3:27<br><br>'''Disc 2'''
#"[[Technically, Missing]]" - 6:43
#"[[Secrets]]" - 3:08
#"[[At Risk]]" - 11:05 (actual length 6:24; contains hidden track "[[Consummation (Reprise)]]" beginning at 9:25)
===Sampler12" Vinyl===As with previous scores by Reznor and Ross, a [https A1 "What Have We Done To Each Other?" - 2:30<br> A2 "Sugar Storm" - 2:53<br> A3 "Empty Places" - 2:46<br> A4 "With Suspicion" - 3:16<br> A5 "Just Like You" - 4://soundcloud.com/gonegirlsoundtrack/sets/gone11<br> A6 "Appearances" -girl2:52<br> A7 "Clue One" -soundtrack sampler] was made available. Unlike previous ones, this wasn't a download but made available as a stream via music hosting site Soundcloud.1:30<br> # B1 "Sugar StormClue Two"- 5:10<br># B2 "Background Noise"- 3:09<br> B3 "Procedural" - 4:30<br> B4 "Something Disposable" - 4:28<br> B5 "Like Home" - 3:39<br> C1 "Empty Places (Reprise)" - 2:20<br># C2 "The Way He Looks At Me"- 3:27<br># C3 "Just Like YouTechnically, Missing" - 6:43<br> C4 "Secrets" - 3:08<br> C5 "Perpetual" - 4:00<br> C6 "Strange Activities" - 2:37<br> D1 "Still Gone" - 2:47<br> D2 "A Reflection" - 1:46<br> D3 "Consummation" - 4:09<br> D4 "Sugar Storm (Reprise)" - 0:41<br> D5 "What Will We Do?" - 3:05<br> D6 "At Risk"- 11:05<br> ==Release==The album was released digitally on September 30, 2014. The CD was released on January 6, 2015 and the vinyl was released on January 20, 2015. The CD and vinyl releases were delayed from their original 2014 release dates. The vinyl came with a digital download card. The album was made available to preorder on September 23 from [http://store.nin.com/index.php?cPath=10 nin.com], accompanied by a streaming sampler of tracks from the soundtrack. The full score was made available for streaming via NPR on September 25, 2014.
==Trent Reznor's Statement==
On January 21, 2014, Reznor confirmed that he and Ross were composing the score to the film via [https://web.archive.org/web/20140221182529/https://twitter.com/trent_reznor/status/425680863968256001 Twitter]:
… yes, Atticus and I are scoring David Fincher’s upcoming Gone Girl!</blockquote>
==ReleasePromotion & Samplers==The album was released digitally on September 30On April 17, 2014, with a release on CD scheduled for January 6website was set up to promote the film at findamazingamy.com. The website featured as-yet unnamed background music, 2015 ostensibly by Reznor and vinyl scheduled for January 20Ross. In July 2014, 2015the website gonegirlmovie. The CD release com was delayed from its original release date of December 2updated to also have background music, 2014very similar to the first audio but with added feedback. The album track was made available to preorder on September 23 from [http://storetitled "Echoes".nin.com/index.phpBoth tracks are variations of "What Have We Done To Each Other?cPath=10 nin".com] A trailer was released on July 7, 2014, accompanied by a streaming sampler of tracks from which featured both the soundtrackpreviously heard site music and new music.
The full score was made available for streaming via NPR on On September 2520, 2014, GoneGirl. The album com was released on [[Columbia Records]]updated with new music titled "Mixdown", while a megamix of tracks from the previous scores were released through [[The Null Corporation]]score, followed by nin. For this reasoncom updating to add a splash page introducing the score, with the album does not bear a [[Halo numbers#Null numbers|Null number]]artwork and the track "The Way He Looks At Me" streaming in the background.
==Promotion=Streaming Sampler===On April 17, 2014As with previous scores by Reznor and Ross, a website was set up to promote the film, http[https://www.findamazingamysoundcloud.com/. The website featured asgonegirlsoundtrack/sets/gone-girl-yet unnamed background music, ostensibly by Reznor and Rosssoundtrack sampler] was made available. In July 2014Unlike previous ones, the website gonegirlmovie.com was updated to also have background this wasn't a download but made available as a stream via music, very similar to the first audio but with added feedbackhosting site Soundcloud. #"Sugar Storm"#"Background Noise"#"The track was titled Way He Looks At Me"#"EchoesJust Like You".
===Awards Samplers=======For Your Consideration Sampler====[[Image:Gone_Girl_FYC.jpg|thumb|For Your Consideration cover]]#"The Opening" - 2:37#"Crazy Happy" - 3:43#"Broken Table" - 1:48#"Blood & Amazing Amy" - 2:30#"Just Good" - 2:02#"Clue 1" - 1:39#"A trailer was released on July 7, 2014, which featured both the previously heard site music and new music.Tight Spot" - 1:28#"I Need To Be Punished & Weak Spots" - 3:29#"The Search" - 1:28#"A Strange New Sentence" - 2:04#"Husband Undone" - 2:26#"Bum World" - 1:42#"Empty House" - 1:01#"Vigil" - 1:35#"WTF & Reveal & The Hammer" - 10:10#"You Asshole" - 1:21#"Much Worse" - 1:42#"Strange Activity" - 1:13#"Mr Collins" - 1:32#"Just Teasing" - 1:08#"Derailed" - 1:58#"Dark Desi" - 2:24#"How To Behave" - 1:40#"Surveillance" - 2:23#"Preparation" - 1:11#"Murder" - 2:15#"The Return" - 0:56#"FBI" - 3:58#"Miracle On The Mississippi" - 4:01#"What's Next" - 1:14#"Do Your Part" - 3:48#"Credits - Echoes" - 4:05#"Slight Limp - End Credits" - 2:47
On September ====Complete Motion Picture Score====[[Image:Gg_complete_motion_picture_score.jpg|thumb|Complete Motion Picture Score artwork]]#"1M1 The Opening" - 2:35#"1M2 Crazy Happy" - 3:35#"1M3 Broken Table" - 1:46#"1M4 Blood" - 0:58#"1M5 Amazing Amy" - 1:35#"1M6 Garson" - 2:08#"2M1 Just Good" - 2:00#"2M2 Clue 1" - 1:37#"2M3 A Tight Spot" - 1:26#"2M4 I Need To Be Punished" - 0:28#"2M5 Weak Spots" - 2:49#"3M1 The Search" - 1:33#"3M2 A Strange New Sentence" - 2:08#"3M3 Husband Undone" - 2:21#"3M4 Bum World" - 1:29#"3M5 Empty House" - 0:54#"3M6 Vigil" - 1:20, 2014, GoneGirl.com was updated with new music titled #"4M1 WTF" - 3:23#"4M2 The Reveal" - 6:46#"4M3 The Hammer" - 0:38#"5M1 You Asshole" - 1:24#"5M2 Much Worse" - 1:37#"5M3 Strange Activity" - 1:11#"5M4 Mr Collins" - 1:29#"5M5 Just Teasing" - 1:08#"6M1 Derailed" - 1:58#"6M2 Dark Desi" - 2:19#"7M1 How To Behave" - 1:33#"7M2 Surveillance" - 2:18#"7M3 Preparation" - 1:07#"Mixdown7M4 Murder", a megamix of tracks from the score, followed by nin.com updating to add a splash page introducing the score, with the album artwork and the track - 2:03#"7M5 The Way He Looks At MeReturn" streaming in the background.- 0:40#"7M6 FBI" - 3:58#"7M7 Miracle On The Mississippi" - 3:59#"8M1 What's Next" - 1:15#"8M2 Do Your Part" - 3:21#"8M3 Partners In Crime & End Credits" - 3:59#"8M4 Slight Limp - End Credits" - 3:07
The artwork was created by Neil Kellerhouse (the same designer as for ''The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Soundtrack''), adapted by [[Rob Sheridan]]. ==Outtakes==[[Image:Ggouttake.png|thumb|Outtakes artwork]] On July 15 2015, Reznor released the first outtake from the recording sessions, "[[Abandoned Sets]]" via Apple Music Connect, with the statement that more were to come. Following this, on July 20th, he released "[[Escape Attempt]]", and stated that there would eventually be five unreleased compositions shared in a playlist on Apple Music, and that "we might do a physical release on vinyl as well." However, there were no further releases or vinyl. "Escape Attempt" was later reused on the ''[[Patriots Day Soundtrack]]'' under the title "[[Inquiries]]".
Composed, arranged, programmed, and produced by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
Mix engineer: [[Alan Moulder]]<br>Mix assistant: Caesar Edmunds<br>
Engineers: Dustin Mosleey, Jun Murakawa, and Christopher Holmes
•Steve *Steve Erdody—1st
*Jacob Bralin
*Giovanna Clayton
Thank you: Kirk Baxter, Lauren Caruso, David Fincher, Garett Illing, Robert Kane, Ren Klyce, Doug Mark, Cathy Merenda, Amos Newman, Jo Ann Orgel, [[Mariqueen Maandig Reznor|Mariqueen Reznor]], Jessie Roberts, And Claudia Sarne
[http://www.[nin.com NIN.com]]<br>[http://www.gonegirlmovie.com gonegirlmovie.com]<br>[http://www.columbiarecords.com columbiarecords.com]
*San Diego Film Critics Society Awards: Best Score
*Washington D.C. Area Film Critics Association Awards: Original Score
*Central Ohio Film Critics Association Awards: Best Score*Georgia Film Critics Association Awards: Best Original Score*Hollywood Foreign Press Agency Awards (Golden Globe Awards): Best Score (Announced on January 11, 2015)*Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards (Critics' Choice Movie Awards): Best Score *Alliance of Women Film Journalists Awards (Announced on January 15, 2015EDA Awards): Best Score*National Association of Recording Arts and Science Awards (Grammy Awards): Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media (Announced on February 8, 2015)
*International Press Academy Awards (Satellite Awards): Best Original Score (Announced on February 15, 2015)
==External Links==
*[http://store.nin.com/index.php?cPath=10 Pre-order page at NIN.com]
*[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2267998/ IMDb page]
*[httphttps://trailersweb.applearchive.comorg/trailersweb/fox20141225123922/gonegirl/ Official trailer]*[http://www.findamazingamy.com/ Find Amazing Amy promotional siteat Wayback Machine]*[http://www.gonegirlmovienincatalog.com/ Official movie web site]*[http://time.com/2962008/gonetrent-reznor-girland-traileratticus-watch/ Trailer 2, with score]*[http://nincatalog.comross/index.asp?category=a Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross category at nincatalog.com]*[http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fs%3Fie%3DUTF8%26x%3D0%26ref_%3Dnb%5Fsb%5Fnoss%26y%3D0%26field-keywords%3Dgone3Dreznor%2520ross%2520gone%2520girl%2520soundtrack%26url%3Dsearch-alias%253Daps&tag=thniinnawi-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957 ''Gone Girl Soundtrack'' at Amazon] *[http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=9&pub=5574848848&toolid=10001&campid=5336384580&customid=&icep_uq=reznor+ross+gone+girl+soundtrack&icep_sellerId=&icep_ex_kw=&icep_sortBy=12&icep_catId=&icep_minPrice=&icep_maxPrice=&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229466&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg ''Gone Girl Soundtrack'' at eBay]
[[Category:Related to NINSoundtracks]][[Category:SoundtracksRelated to NIN]]