Hey, NinWiki isn't an image hosting service. Don't add non-relevent images. I'll ban you if you do any more. Thanks. --[[User:Tony|Tony]] 19:47, 30 March 2007 (PDT)
== ? ==
hEY no tROUBLe wAs at aLL NINtEndEd by Me.... i DONT eVen knoW IF iM RepLyNINg to youR MEssAGe coRREcTLee. thiS aLL ALien to me so PlEASE foRGIVe mY ADDitionS I fiGUREd iT Was liKe apPRoVAL BAseD anD SO ON.
K thEN plZ slap cliFF FOR me anD say NYC roCKEd for buddyhead