I received this e mail, from "The Bureau of Morality". They know that i've been watching subversive material, so they're warning me to stop or i'll pay the consequences. They put this link on http://www.thepriceoftreason.net, so you can see what could happen if YOU keep trying to help. That's The Price of Treason.
Transcription of the e-mail
Bureau of Morality - Year 0000 Search <DCS1000@thepriceoftreason.net>
<TRACE> <INITIALIZE: DCS1000 v24.5.3> <SEARCH> <IDENTIFIED: http://www.iamtryingtobelieve.com> <IDENTIFIED: http://www.anotherversionofthetruth.com> <IDENTIFIED: http://www.artisresistance.com> <ERROR: http://www.solutionsbackwardsinitiative.net/pilgrims> ||||| date-time failure ||||| <RESUME SEARCH> <IDENTIFIED: obstaculo@gmail.com> <END TRACE>
The Bureau of Morality has identified you as A CONSUMER OF DISSIDENT MATERIAL.
This is a one time warning. Any further attempts to view, consume, or distribute un-american content will result in the loss of citizenship increments and/or the imposition of fines, penalties, or imprisonment.
You have choices. Make the RIGHT ones.
For further information on making good choices, visit http://www.thepriceoftreason.net
Bureau of Morality One Nation Under God
If you try to answer the e-mail
This is what you'll get:
dcs1000@thepriceoftreason.net a usuario
This server does not accept incoming mail. Do not attempt to explain, deny, or justify your activities.
Friends, parents, teachers-anyone can try to shake your belief in America. Traitors and dissidents aren't stupid: some of the things they say can sound very reasonable. But...
Remember the cost. http://www.ThePriceOfTreason.net