Talk:Judson Ogram Correctional Facility
Some of the anagrams of Judson Ogram are rather interesting, such as "MAJOR SUN GOD". Could there be a clue here? --Mr z 21:59, 7 March 2007 (PST)
I have no idea the best way to share the text I pieced together, so hopefully someone can make a fine sculpture out of the raw clay I've just uploaded. Sorry about the brain-fart filename on the image file. --Mr z 23:36, 7 March 2007 (PST)
I searched for the quote and found that it's from Charles Darwin's "The Origin of Species". I have quoted the passage that the text seems to relate to. --justnine 12:24, 8 March 2007 (GMT)
I don't understand how the three websites that were discovered were discovered using the Survivalism vidoe... Are they names somewhere on the video that I just can't seem to find? Or were they on the USB keys alongside the video? Jgrizzy89 04:26, 8 March 2007 (PST)
The echoingthesound forum explains how it was found - see for details. --justnine 13:09, 8 March 2007 (PST)
Just say how it was found instead of linking. I'm curious myself about all these extra tracks that were with the survivalism Garage Band file. I don't have a mac, or any sound editing software, nor do I want to sit through an 100mb download. Could someone explain in full the extra sounds with the GB files and how a new Judson Ogram site was derived from it?--Velvolver 09:59, 15 March 2007 (PDT)
Other meanings for Boaz as in Hurricane boaz
In masonic tradition, Boaz is the symbol for strenth and one of the two pillars holding up the temple of solomon which was said to be architected by God.
There is also a old testiment figure with the name of Boaz.
In reference to my previous post: One of the extra tracks, survivalism to the end (or something like that) contained weird sounds, that when organized in a proper order (using the help of a spectrograph to find where the sections belonged) revealed a new case number (judson ogram site). All of this information is contained on the Survivalism wiki page.--Velvolver 13:00, 15 March 2007 (PDT)
Oh, and a side note, the date of the conversation with John of Boston happened AFTER the second conversation. It makes sense, since why would the Dr. do an evil thing after being blessed by John?--Velvolver 13:02, 15 March 2007 (PDT)