Judson Ogram Correctional Facility
Discovered using the Survivalism video. http://www.judsonogram.net/
On the staff page is a login form:
User: Preston Gantry Case number: 4382BX12 password: francesca
Logging in takes you to http://www.judsonogram.net/personnel/gantry/casefiles/4382bx12/default.htm
New text clues
The following text was pieced together from images on the Judson Ogram Correctional Facility site: "[a]nd the probable course of natural select[ion]". An additional unplaced fragment reads "We shall best."
The text appears to be a snippet from The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin, notably the passage:
- We shall best understand the probable course of natural selection by taking the case of a country undergoing some physical change, for instance, of climate. The proportional numbers of its inhabitants would almost immediately undergo a change, and some species might become extinct.
There are a number of guesses and beliefs that "Judson Ogram" might possibly be some sort of anagram, but this is yet to be confirmed.
Also, "Judson Ogram" can be altered so that it reads "JUD sonogram." A sonogram is another word for a spectrogram. Spectrograms of various Year Zero materials have yielded numerous clues and hints. JUD can mean the Islamic organization Jama'at-ud-Da'wah. JUD is also an abbreviation signifying a Doctorate of Canon and Civil Law -- in otherwords, a Doctor of both governmental and church law. This points to the seeming unity of Church and State in the Year Zero world.
- The newspaper clipping in Attachment #2 talks about recent flooding due to Hurricane Boaz. The hurricane's name begins with a 'B', indicating it is the second hurricane of the year, assuming the hurricane names are assigned by the same method in year 0000 as is currently in use. The event occurs in February, indicating that the hurricane season now stretches well across year boundaries in 0000.
- The police report mentions television crews and newspapers were present. This slightly contradicts Angry Sniper's monologue that there is no remaining free press.
- In the conversation between Dr. Gantry and John, John turns Dr. Gantry's wrist over, and Dr. Gantry makes a comment about "Mark of the Beast." Given the recent nerochip developments, this hints that at least Dr. Gantry has a nerochip implanted in him.