Squires Of Dimness is a web comic drawn by Anne Tai that revolves around the daily routines of Aaron North, Jeordie White, Alessandro Cortini and Jerome Dillon. While Trent Reznor is mentioned several times during the comic, he is never shown.
Aaron North
Aaron is the main character of Squires Of Dimness. He is shown with an immense love for ice cream and his hanky. He strongly dislikes coconuts; even just the taste of one. He is drawn very short compared to the rest of the band. When the comic was presented to him during an interview and was asked to identify the people drawn, all Aaron said was "Hey, I'm not that short!".
Jeordie White
Jeordie is portrayed as the realist of the band. He often thinks things through in an attempt to make the perfect choice. This often backfires, however. He has a secret obsession with dancing and singing "I'm Too Sexy" to his mirror. He shares Aaron's love for ice cream.
Alessandro Cortini
Alessandro, or "Ally" as he is referred to in the comic, is heavily reliant on Italian culture. He is often seen eating some sort of pasta or yelling in Italian. He has really small, beady eyes. (perhaps a way to tell him and Jeordie apart due to their similar look.) He owns a "Pear" laptop which is an obvious parody of Mac computers. He dislikes ice cream, but loves coconut.
Jerome Dillon
Jerome makes few appearances in Squires Of Dimness. When he is featured, he is portrayed as very laid back and casual. His personality is somewhat of a mix between Alessandro and Jeordie.