<pre>-begin transmission-
this isn't just a guild is for ThOSe who DOn'''T doubtfans of TReNt REzzNOR, for ThOSe who BeLLIeVe in year zerono, for ThOSe who fearFaRRR FrOm IT.the direction the GoVERNNmEnt this is steering the UsAa guild for fans of ThE WoRLd.donwe't DoUBBT. re here to stop ThE WoRLd from becoming year zero has yet . we're here to happenstop it, and WE could make it happeneven if nO ONe ELSe will even try.don't slip upso stop in, JoIN, leave comments. don't believe the LiES. art is resistance. donlet't let them TaKE iT FRom yOOUs SAvE THe WoRLD.
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