
279 bytes added ,  22:44, 19 June 2019
no edit summary
*[[Dear World,]]: "Yes, everyone seems to be asleep"
*[[The Lovers]]: "Everyone seems to be asleep but me"
*[[God Break Down The Door]]: "We sleep hypnotized from the center" / "I believe I am sleeping after all"(The lyrics are not included of the final cut of the song, but included in the digital data.)
*[[Head Down]]: "all your hate, what you’ve become"
*[[Everything]]: "I've become something else"
*[[Shit Mirror]]": "I'm becoming something new"*[[Not Anymore]]: "Watched myself become somebody else" (The lyrics are not included of the final cut of the song, but included in the digital data.)
*Everything: "But this thing that lives inside of me will surely rise and wake"
*The Idea Of You: "Wait, wake, breathe, believe"
*[[Not Anymore]]: "And I can't seem to wake up"
*[[I Can't Seem To Wake Up 2017]]
