"The Beginning of the End" was played live for the first time at Brixton Academy in London, England, debuted on [[2007/03/08 London, UK|March 8, 2007]]in London, England. [http://www.echoingthesound.org/phpbbx/viewtopic.php?t=21244] [http://www.echoingthesound.org/phpbbx/viewtopic.php?t=21248][http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-lx576HDis Here] is a video of the performance.
"The Beginning of the End" was played at almost every show for the rest of the [[Performance 2007]] tour, usually the second song played after "[[http://wwwHyperpower!]]", although sometimes played later in the show. Since 2007, "The Beginning of the End" has continued to appear on setlists infrequently.youtubeFor example, throughout the [[Lights in the Sky Tour]], it would make occasional appearances in the encore.com On [[2009/07/watch?v=m-lx576HDis Here30 Madrid, Spain|July 30, 2009]] is a video , "The Beginning of the performanceEnd" opened the show for the first, and so far only, time.