
1,939 bytes removed ,  15 April
no edit summary
During the Fragility period, was designed with backgrounds and art in the style of the album artwork created by David Carson. The site contained journal entries which were posted on the site by [[Rob Sheridan]], who had been newly hired to update and organize the site, detailing the progress of recording the album, as well as a discussion board. Sound loops from the songs "[[Starfuckers, Inc. (song)|Starfuckers, Inc.]]" and "[[The Day The World Went Away (song)|The Day The World Went Away]]" were posted on the site prior to the release of ''The Fragile'' and are [ html available here]. Images, backgrounds, sound files and screen shots of this version of have been archived at [[The NIN]] [http://wwwnindestruct.theninhotline.netcom/halo99nincom/ nincom.html here]. A huge and very detailed chronological archive on everything related to See the Wayback Machine for from this period can be found circa [httphttps://forumweb.portraitofdecayarchive.netorg/viewtopicweb/19990101000000*/nin.php?f=5&t=11 herecom 1999] and , [httphttps://forumweb.portraitofdecayarchive.netorg/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=10 here]. As best as possible restored versions of the different versions of during that time can be found [http:web//portraitofdecay.net20000101000000*/ here2000], [http here], [http:org/web/portraitofdecay.net20010101000000*/ here2001], and [http here] and [http:web//portraitofdecay.net20020101000000*/].html here]
{{ Fragility}}
Fragile-era screen-shots:
==pre-With Teeth==
From 2003 onwards, prior to the release of ''[[With Teeth (halo)|With Teeth]]'', had a sparse and minimalist layout with a plain white background and black smudged typewriter font. The site contained a "Current" section that was updated occasionally with photos and information on the progress of the album, a "Body of Work" section with information on each of the Halos and a visuals section with [[Nine Inch Nails music videos|music videos]] available for viewing. A Q&A section titled [[|Access]] was also a feature of the site where members of NIN answered user submitted questions. A huge and very detailed chronological archive on everything related to from this period can be found [ here]. As best as possible restored versions of See the different iterations of Wayback Machine for during that time can be found circa [http here], [http:org/web/portraitofdecay.net20030101000000*/ here2003], and [http here], [http://portraitofdecayarchive.netorg/nin.comweb/index-f2.html here] and [http://portraitofdecay.net20040101000000*/ here2004].
{{ pre-With Teeth}}
==With Teeth==
In 2005 for the release of ''With Teeth'', was updated with a front page with links to purchase the album and watch "[[The Hand That Feeds (song)|The Hand That Feeds]]" video. Viral teaser trailers were also hidden pages on the site, named with lines from songs that would appear on the album.Later, the front page was changed to display photos taken at various destinations on the [[With Teeth Tour]], and called the site " V6". The pages of the site which had previously had blank backgrounds were changed to ''With Teeth''-style art and the font was also changed. A blog section titled "TR" was added, where Trent would post comments and messages. The [[|Access]] section continued to be updated by Reznor, with [[Aaron North]] and [[Jerome Dillon]] answering a set of questions, titled "part one", however, due to Dillon's departure from the band, it was to be the last time the section was updated. The site also contained a downloads section containing desktop backgrounds. All ''With Teeth''-related pages except the page have had been removed as of March 24, 2008. All ''With Teeth''-era videos, trailers and downloads can be found [ here]. As best as possible restored versions of See the different iterations of Wayback Machine for during that time can be found circa [http here], [http:org/web/portraitofdecay.net20050101000000*/ here2005], and [http here], [http://portraitofdecay.net20060101000000*/ here2006].
{{ V6}}
==Year Zero==
Following the release of ''[[Year Zero]]'', was updated to V6.9 with a YZ-themed background and font. All previous pages, apart from Performance and Merch were deleted, leaving a basic front page with a photo on. As the [[Performance 2007]] tour began, more pages were added to the site, including a page written in [ Russian], a page in [ Chinese] , and a page in [ Korean], added as the band performed in the these countries for the first time. Links to the ''Year Zero'' site and NIN's official [ youtube YouTube account] were also added, the former is where live performance videos and video diaries have been were uploaded. A photo blog was also added to the front page and updated several times a day during the tour. At present, the The band are were back in the studio and the front page of is was updated periodically with messages from Trent, photos and Youtube YouTube videos showing work in the studio. Additionally, site visitors may could comment on the current picture. As best as possible restored versions of See the different iterations of Wayback Machine for during that time can be found circa [http here] and [http:org/web/portraitofdecay.net20070101000000*/ here].
Here is the archive of all images posted on the 6.9 version of
==Ghosts I–IV==
On announcement and immediate release of the new album, ''[[Ghosts I–IV]],'' in March 2008, the site was altered so that it had an album-themed design. The site still contains contained links to all Year Zero pages as well as an additional ''Ghosts I–IV'' player and a link to the new official [ NIN flickr page] and a page containing RSS feeds. A reconstructed page of this version of See the Wayback Machine for can be viewed circa [http*/ here].
Here is the archive of all images posted on the ''Ghosts'' version of
==The Slip==
After the digital release of ''[[The Slip]]'' in May 2008, the site was updated with a new album-themed design.
As the new tour kicked off, the photoblog continued. The complete archive of photoblog images and posts can be See the Wayback Machine for circa [httphttps://ninblogsweb.wordpressarchive.comorg/ found here]. A reconstructed page of this version of can be viewed [http:web/20080101000000*/ here].  Following are some of the photographs that were posted to the front page:
{{ Slip}}
''The Slip''-themed design of the site continued to be updated to the 7.0 layout; beginning on the 14th of August 2008 when Spiral and [[ETS]] members were informed by [[Rob Sheridan]] that a new beta of the site would be up shortly. The links to the new site were soon announced with a forum, IRC chat , and links hinting to future updates to the site. Subsequently, on the 3rd of September 2008, publicly launched the beta, with anyone who has a account able to use it, completely free, including full use of the forums, IRC chat, all [[|sub-sites]] and a comprehensive links page, linking all official and non-official nin pages from the [[ninternet]].
Here is the official welcome message originally posted on by Trent Reznor:
==Hesitation Marks==
The 7.0 layout from Fall 2008 continued into the first half of 2013. In February when a [[NIN 2013-2014|new tour]] was announced, the site gained a simple no-frills black intro page with a graphic containing the [[Logo History|NIN logo]] and the text 'nine inch nails' and 'twenty thirteen'. After clicking through to the main page, the 7.0 theme was still present. This layout continued until June, when ''[[Hesitation Marks]]'' was formally announced. It was then updated with visuals relating to that album. Links to the forum and the original user-populated photo/video sections were not present. A new fan content area for photo/video uploads was added to the section in October. In 2014, the main page was set up to accommodate a feed from the [ official NIN tumblr account]. As the tour progressed, a photo from each city would also display at the top of the page, much like what was done during the With Teeth tour.
In December 2016, a fresh version of was launched with the announcement of ''[[Not The Actual Events]]''. This time, a very clean minimalist approach was taken, with an all-white background, [[Logo History|NIN logo]] and short menu on the left, and news items taking up the majority of the main space, per usual. The forums only other resources provided were a discography, tour dates, a link to the store, and user-populated social media sections were not presentlinks. The refresh was designed by The Creative Corporation[ Creative Corporation] with input from new NIN art director [[John Crawford]]. Sub-sites of  Coinciding with the site refresh was a change in web hosting providers. All previous became dead links sub-sites and resources associated with the old design, such as the forums and it is not currently known if some of them may eventually returnuser-populated media sections, were no longer available.
Over the years, has had various sub-sites to coincide with releases. Here is a list of all sites linked with
*'''[[]]''' - set up in 2000 to promote the release of ''[[Things Falling Apart]]''. []*'''[[]]''' - set up in 2001 to promote the release of ''[[And All That Could Have Been (halo)|And All That Could Have Been]]''. []*'''[[]]''' - set up in 2004 to promote the re-release of ''[[The Downward Spiral (halo)|The Downward Spiral]]''. [].
*'''[[]]''' - a page on [[| V6]] where [[Trent Reznor]] posted responses to questions.
*'''''' - page from the ''With Teeth''-era website which had numerous music videos and pictures. []*'''[[]]''' - set up in 2005 for the release of ''[[With Teeth (halo)|With Teeth]]''. []*'''[[]]''' - set up in 2007 for the release of ''[[Beside You In Time (halo)|Beside You In Time]]''. []*'''[[]]''' - set up in 2007 to promote ''[[Year Zero]]'' (see also [[Year Zero Research#Proven Related Web Sites|List of Year Zero pages]]). []*'''[[]]''' (and - set up in 2007 to coincide with the release of ''[[Y34RZ3R0R3M1X3D]]''. []*'''[[]]''' - created in 2008 for the release of ''[[Ghosts I–IV]]''. []*'''''' - created April 22nd, 2008 for the free release of "[[Discipline]]", contained various pages for individual radio stations to link to. Now redirects to*'''[[]]''' - created May 5th, 2008 for the free release of ''[[The Slip]]''. []
*'''''' - a page for viewing your account, once set up.
*'''''' - the IRC chat room, can be accessed from external IRC clients at ''''''
*'''''' - a page set up in March 2009 to promote the [[Wave_Goodbye_Tour#NIN.2FJA_2009|NIN/JA 2009 tour]] and contained a [[NINJA_2009_Summer_Tour_EP|free EP for download]]. []*'''''' created on April 1st, 2009 as an April Fools joke, promoting the fake ''[[Strobe Light]]'' album. []*'''''' - created June 5th, 2009 for the free promotional release of ''[[Lights in the sky (Seed)|Lights In The Sky]]''. []
*'''''' - set up in 2009 for the [[NIN: Access]] application for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
*'''[[]]''' - set up in 2010 to promote the re-release of ''[[Pretty Hate Machine]]''. [].
==Official Accounts==
NIN has official accounts at the following locations:
*[http nails/107917 Apple Music]
*[ Discord]
*[http Facebook]*[http Flickr]*[http Instagram]*[http MySpace] *[ The Pirate Bay]*[http SoundCloud]*[http Spotify]
*[ TikTok]
*[http Tumblr]*[http Twitter]*[http Vimeo]*[http YouTube]
==External Links==
*[ Images from circa 1999-2007]
*[ Images from circa 1999-2000]
*[ Huge archive and reconstruction page of old versions of (reference only, defunct site)]*[http://trent-reznor.narodpages.rude/messages_from_trentown_words.html Huge archive htm Archive of posts of by Trent on The Spiral,, official boards, ..etc.]
