
24 bytes added ,  Yesterday at 20:57
#* (01:23) Live snippet of "[[Sin (song)|Sin]]" at [[1990/07/11 Washington, DC|9:30 Club]]
#* (01:44) MTV interview clip, [[Lollapalooza Tour]] opening night
# (02:16) Live footage: "[[Now I'm Nothing]]" on Lollapalooza Tourmixture of 1991 performances#* (04:29) Live footage: "Terrible Lie" on Lollapalooza Tourmixture of 1991 performances# (07:47) Live footage: "Terrible Lie" on Lollapalooza Tour mixture of 1991 performances (continued)
# (09:49) MTV News interview, Reznor explains [[1991/07/18 Phoenix, AZ|Phoenix Lollapalooza]] technical difficulties
#* (10:54) Live snippet of "Sin" at 9:30 Club (continued)
