
Joined 19 February 2007
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'''Leavinghope703''' is an avid [[NIN]] fan and has contributed to several pages so far (some contributions were minor however). She goes by the name Liz in real life and happens to currently own 9 10 of the 22 24 Halos that exist at the moment. She is still working on her collection...
Liz's username comes from one of her favorite songs of all time, [[Leaving Hope]]. She loves this song and all of the songs from the ''[[Still]]'' disc, which accompanies the live ''[[And All That Could Have Been (halo)|And All That Could Have Been]]'' delux deluxe edition. 7/03 2006 was the date that she first saw NIN live in concert, but she had been a fan since she first heard [[Closer]] four years ago, at the age of 13.
Some of the other musical artists this user is interested in includes...