
The [[Numbers|number]] located on the index page of Judson Ogram is [[Numbers#24.16.2|24.16.2]].
== Inmate case reports == 
A login form can be located at the bottom of the [ staff page].
=== John Ferminger ===
The first login for this staff page was found by visiting [[The_Water_Turned_To_Blood|The Water Turned To Blood]], wherein an inmate number was displayed for "John of Boston", as well as a potential password of "francesca" hidden in two blocks of text on the home page. This was used in combination with the name "Preston Gantry", read off of the staff badge of a psychiatrist displayed in the staff listing.
Password: francesca
[[John Ferminger ]] (author of the [[The_Water_Turned_To_Blood|The Water Turned To Blood]] website), is an individual who was caught in an accident on a bridge in Boston. The water below the bridge turned to blood, and the distraction this caused to drivers meant that an accident ensued, in which John's car was pushed off of the bridge and into the water. The result of this plunge is that John's daughter drowned. John escaped and exhibits some of the symptoms of being in contact with [[The Presence]], however his psychological evaluation and interview do not allude to any direct contact.
John took the name of "John of Boston", indicating some biblical affiliation. He took to preaching the information divulged to him during his "baptism in blood" during the car crash. After gaining quite a following, he was arrested for preaching to a crowd in excess of legal limits without a permit and was transferred to Judson Ogram. His innocence is disregarded, as suggested by police notes on his transfer document, because they want to keep him out of the public eye.
John is put onto a high dose of an antipsychotic substance, and after refusing to sign a rebuttal of his comments and to make a public statement confirming this action, is executed.
==== Security Notice ==== 
At the bottom of the [ addendum] is a link to Supplimental information. Clicking this link returns an error message that reads:
:''This evidence was harvested by 'tier 2' internal security measures.''
:''JO internal - DO NOT FORWARD to police, next of kin, etc.''
=== Moira Waag === 
On 15th March, group analysis of the sample "Survivalism Our End Trip.aif" ("our end trip" being an anagram for "put in order") found that if you arrange the left channel of the sample in such an order that the tones in the right channel are incremental, a voice reads "Case Number 6455DA04". This case number was found to refer to [ Moira Waag]. The sample was obtained from the [[Survivalism (song)|Survivalism]] GarageBand arrangement available for download from [ The Year Zero Website].
Password: francesca
Moira is transferred to Judson Ogram after appearing in a hospital emergency room. Her arrest is made after use of [[Opal ]] and mention of contact with "[[The_Presence|The Presence]]", as a preventative measure to ensure she does not engage in public oration regarding "[[The_Presence|The Presence]]".
Much like John Ferminger, Moira is prescribed a high dosage of an antipsychotic substance to be administered intramuscularily at an interval way over the recommended guidelines. This is totally contrary to the fact that she is not "excited" or displaying any psychotic tendandies, and is in moderately good health.
Moira's interview transcript ends by describing her experience being touched by "[[The_Presence|The Presence]]", and her resulting fear over the implications of her experience.
==== Security Notice ==== 
At the bottom of the [ interview transcript] is a link to an addendum. Clicking this link returns an error message that reads:
== Observations ==
* There are a number of guesses and beliefs that "Judson Ogram" might possibly be some sort of anagram, but this is yet to be confirmed. Possibilities include "Major sun god" and "Door jam guns".
* "Judson Ogram" can be altered so that it reads "JUD sonogram." A sonogram is another word for a [ spectrogram]. Spectrograms of various Year Zero materials have yielded numerous clues and hints. JUD can mean the Islamic organization [ Jama'at-ud-Da'wah]. JUD is also an abbreviation signifying a [ Doctorate of Canon and Civil Law] -- in otherwords, a Doctor of both governmental and church law. This points to the seeming unity of Church and State in the Year Zero world.
* The newspaper clipping in Attachment #2 talks about recent flooding due to Hurricane Boaz. The hurricane's name begins with a 'B', indicating it is the second hurricane of the year, assuming the hurricane names are assigned by the same method in year 0000 as is currently in use. The event occurs in February, indicating that the hurricane season now stretches well across year boundaries in 0000.
* In the conversation between Dr. Gantry and John, John turns Dr. Gantry's wrist over, and Dr. Gantry makes a comment about "Mark of the Beast." Given the recent [[nerochip]] developments, this hints that at least Dr. Gantry has a nerochip implanted in himwhich suggests that has committed a violent crime in the past and may be one reason he is so sympathetic towards John.
* As clear as it might be to some, it is worth pointing out the similarities between John of Boston and John the Baptist. Recall that John the Baptist was the prophet that cleared the way for and spoke about the coming of Jesus. John of Boston has been serving a similar role, although more focused on the Presence instead of a human embodiment. Also, John the Baptist drew people to him and his message, much as John of Boston did with the inmates and the people. John the Baptist was, near the end of his life, imprisoned for his speaking out against the rulers of the time, and was eventually beheaded for that act. John of Boston met a similar end, except with a bullet to the head. As a final note, there is a sense of irony that the text hint derived from the background images is tied to Darwin's Origin of Species. More information about [ John the Baptist].
