Go button
This is for direct linking to what you want - looking for La Mer? The type it into the search box and press Go (or hit enter/return).
Search button
If you're unsure the exact details of what you want, use this. What's that fuck you like an animal song? Try typing it in and see.
Help, why did I get a tiny page for a song/album?
You've found a disamibguation page - these are there for when we have two or more pages that could have the same title - The Fragile (halo) and The Fragile (song) are both called The Fragile, but are very different things. So those pages are there to point you to where you want to go.
I searched for something that should be here, and it's not!
Is it a tour date?
- Are you sure the date's right?
- Are you sure the venue and area are right?
- Check the page the date should be on. Is there a redlink where it should be?
- If so, then the page isn't here yet. Make it if you can, if not, it'll come eventually
Is it a song?
- Are you sure the name is right?
- If not, search for lyrics. If it's an instrumental try here: Category:NIN Instrumentals
- Check the album's page
- Not from an album? Check Category:NIN Songs
Is it a release?
- Are you sure the name is right?
- Are you sure it's an official release?
- If it's not, try Bootlegs (this is incomplete remember!)
- Look here
Is it a person?
- Are you sure their name is spelt correctly?
- Are you sure they're involved with NIN (family, friends and lovers are not included here as standard, nor are non-musical crew)
- Try Category:The Band, Category:Former Members and Category:Related to NIN
- Not there? Sure that they're connected to NIN in a professional way? Then please add them.
Is it something else?
- Are you sure it's spelt correctly?
- Are you sure it's relevant?
- Are you sure it's real? (Pussygrinder doesn't exist, sorry folks)
- Then create the page, or ask a Mod if you're not sure.