I received this e mail, from "The Bureau of Morality". They know that i've been watching subversive material, so they're warning me to stop or i'll pay the consequences. They put this link on http://www.thepriceoftreason.net, so you can see what could happen if YOU keep trying to help. That's The Price of Treason.
Transcription of the e-mail
Bureau of Morality - Year 0000 Search <DCS1000@thepriceoftreason.net>
<TRACE> <INITIALIZE: DCS1000 v24.5.3> <SEARCH> <IDENTIFIED: http://www.iamtryingtobelieve.com> <IDENTIFIED: http://www.anotherversionofthetruth.com> <IDENTIFIED: http://www.artisresistance.com> <ERROR: http://www.solutionsbackwardsinitiative.net/pilgrims> ||||| date-time failure ||||| <RESUME SEARCH> <IDENTIFIED: obstaculo@gmail.com> <END TRACE>
The Bureau of Morality has identified you as A CONSUMER OF DISSIDENT MATERIAL.
This is a one time warning. Any further attempts to view, consume, or distribute un-american content will result in the loss of citizenship increments and/or the imposition of fines, penalties, or imprisonment.
You have choices. Make the RIGHT ones.
For further information on making good choices, visit http://www.thepriceoftreason.net
Bureau of Morality One Nation Under God
If you try to answer the e-mail
This is what you'll get:
dcs1000@thepriceoftreason.net a usuario
This server does not accept incoming mail. Do not attempt to explain, deny, or justify your activities.
Friends, parents, teachers-anyone can try to shake your belief in America. Traitors and dissidents aren't stupid: some of the things they say can sound very reasonable. But...
Remember the cost. http://www.ThePriceOfTreason.net
Abraham Lincoln
This will need that a real american citizen corrects it. I'm a mexican and i don't know anything about american history (except for the América that includes México). Anyway, if you click on THE PRICE OF TREASON title you'll be taken to a flash movie that shows Abraham Lincoln and some of his politics that this new government has used to "protect" people. "Desperate times call for desperate measures" (this remind me something called "the patriot act")